The Dawn of Mass Culture

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The Dawn of Mass Culture
By: Cody , Cynthia , Aaron
Early 1900 Activities
• Three activities that were popular were
Amusement Parks,Bicycling,and tennis.
• Amusement Parks – Many city dwellers
enjoyed trips to these parks, the main thrillers
were rollercoasters and the Ferris wheel.
• Bicycling – This activity entertained both and
Newspaper Strategies
• How did the newspapers attract more
• The editors used sensational headlines and
promotional stunts to draw the readers.
Early 1900 Shopping
How did Americans shop?
They went to shopping centers with friends.
Also at this time is when mail-order catalogs
came into play. By 1910, about 10 million
Americans shopped by mail.
Modern World and the Early 1900’s
• Some activities that are popular today are
playing video games and texting.
• Some activities that were popular in the early
1900’s that are still popular today are bike
riding and people still go to amusement parks
such as Disney World.
• Newspapers and magazines use HEADLINES to
sell more copies. Goods are sold today by
catalogs and online websites.
Key Terms
• Joseph Pulitzer – Newspaper publisher that
revolutionized news paper editing.
• William Randolph Hearst – American business
magnate and leading newspaper publisher.
• Ashcan school – Realist artistic movement
• Mark Twain – American author and humorist
• Rural Free Delivery – How Americans mailed