Engagement Phase Talking Points

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Transcript Engagement Phase Talking Points

Regional Active Living Vision Statement
The Arrowhead is a vibrant and
healthy region where well-designed
communities embrace and
encourage physical activity for all
people everyday.
on all facets
of the community
planning .
planning resource
Regional planning
Iron Range-Hoyt Lakes
North Shore-Grand Marais
Koochiching CountyInternational Falls
Aitkin County-Hill City
Carlton County-Carlton
Northeast Minnesota Active Living
Community Vision
Assessment and
Engagement Project
Public Health
Project Phases
Community Assessment Spring 2007
Engagement Phase Fall 2007
Phase III Spring 2008
Assessment Phase
Goal: Understand the current environment
and public perception on active living,
along with current behavior.
Target diverse groups in each county and
Current Behavior
Survey Responses
39% walk on average 20-30 min. each
83% are able to walk for 25 minutes
60% walk for exercise
22% ride a bicycle
Physical Environment
Survey Responses
 38% willing to walk 10 min. to a place
 35% willing to bike 30 min. to a place
 67% Design influenced physical activity
 15% noted walkable/bikable destinations
 PARKS are closest to home
 Destinations near work varied
Current Barriers
Survey Responses
37% Motor vehicle Traffic
32% Poorly maintained sidewalks and
31% Personal routine
Community Input
“Requiring sidewalks may inhibit growth”
“Council should have a workshop on this
“Connections are important between home
and local business district”
Active Living Principles
1. Communities plan, provide and maintain a safe, convenient,
attractive and complete street network to access homes,
worksites, schools, parks, and services.
2. Communities consider the needs of all people during site and
building design by prioritizing lighting, aesthetics, accessibility,
and safety to encourage non-motorized travel.
3. Community parks, trails, and other recreational and public
facilities are accessible for all people.
Active Living Principles
4. Communities encourage year-round physical activity by all
people through appropriate maintenance of public
infrastructure and facilities in all weather and seasons.
5. Public and private community agencies collaborate to
increase opportunities for routine physical activity during
their every day operations.
6. Physical activity is supported and promoted when
communities host public events and celebrations.
Active Living Communities Toolkit
Arrowhead Region Active Living
Communities Toolkit
Model Policies
Action Items
Implementation Steps
Examples and Resources
5. Public and private community agencies collaborate to increase opportunities for routine physical activity during their every day operations
Provide support and facilities for
31 Ways to encourage bicycling 5.1.1. Provide incentives to employees 1. Collabrate with public and private
5.1 employees who walk, bike, or carpool
using alternative modes
to work
Rack information 1.Determine best location for
5.1.2. Install bike racks
concrete pad and rack
2. Obtain pad construction
estimates and rack cost
3. Secure funding and implement
5.1.3. Offfer onsite classes or weekly
programs on bicycling and walking
1.Coordinate schedule and
programming with local related
2. Assign a program coordinator
3. Advertise classes
Provide opportunities for physical
5.2.1. Create active living coalition
1. gather stakeholders and
2. Create vision and goals
3. Draft action plan
5.2.2. Close Main Street on Sundays
for community physical activity
1. Coordinate street closures and
public safety with responsible
2. Develop activities
3. Recuit volunteers
4. Advertise event
5.2.3. Hold community-wide
annual/periodic events
1. Collabrate with public and private Two Harbors Chamber of Commerce 2Get Movin'
Moving Forward
Planning Work
 Active Living Comp Plan Amendments
County-wide Zoning Toolbox
Regional Housing Initiative
Moving Forward
Public Health
 State-wide Health Improvement
$20M 1st year and $27M 2nd year
 Start July 2009
 Integrate into current programs
 Based on CDC Steps to a HealthierUS
Thank You!
Ellen Pillsbury
Arrowhead Regional Development
Commission (ARDC)
Phone: 218-529-7554
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.arrowheadplanning.org