Indiana Responsible Tourism Congress October 2009 Dr. Robert Billington Center for Sustainable Destinations

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Transcript Indiana Responsible Tourism Congress October 2009 Dr. Robert Billington Center for Sustainable Destinations

Indiana Responsible Tourism Congress Dr. Robert Billington October 2009 Center for Sustainable Destinations


Tourism that sustains or enhances the geographical character of a place — its environment, culture, aesthetics, heritage, and the well-being of its residents.

Center for Sustainable Destinations

Center for Sustainable Destinations

Mission: To protect and enhance the world ’ s distinctive places through wisely managed tourism and enlightened destination stewardship.

Core concept for achieving the mission:


Center for Sustainable Destinations

Geotourism Partnering

To achieve its mission, CSD works with numerous external partners and National Geographic departments to facilitate to different components of a geotourism strategy.

Center for Sustainable Destinations

Uniting Culture, Nature, Preservation, and Economics:

The Geotourism Strategy


Center for Sustainable Destinations

Part 1: • Tourism and sustainable places • Destination stewardship rated • Basic geotourism Part 2: • Geotourism Charter • Geotourism strategic principles • Projects for Places

Center for Sustainable Destinations


Tourism growth goes on. . .

International Tourist Arrivals Worldwide (millions) (1990 2005)

Source: World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)©

800 Millennium travel spike 9/11 attacks 700 600 Gulf War 550 565 597 611 635 652 Bubble bursts 697 693 715 691 SARS & IraqW ar 760 500 503 519 458 464 400 800 300 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Sustainable Destinations

Center for Sustainable Destinations

. . . and on.

International Arrivals (million)

Source: World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)© 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0

25 1950 70 1960 1006 697 457 287 166 1970 1980 1990 2000

* WTO's

2010* 1561


Center for Sustainable Destinations

Touring-style tourism Relies on human


physical character of place.

ACTIVITIES • sightseeing • history • nature • scenery • hiking / Nordic skiing • local shopping • typical cuisine • photography • culture & festivals Center for Sustainable Destinations

Center for Sustainable Destinations

Center for Sustainable Destinations

Touring-style tourism Relies on human


physical character of place.

• • • • • • • • •

ACTIVITIES sightseeing history nature scenery hiking / Nordic skiing local shopping typical cuisine photography culture & festivals CHARACTERISTICS

• •

Diffuse impact Supports small businesses

Requires protecting nature and heritage

Needs architecture, landscapes, culture unique to the locale.

Center for Sustainable Destinations

R & R tourism

Depends only on physical character of place.

• • • • •

ACTIVITIES coastal resorts golf downhill skiing water sports vacation homes

Center for Sustainable Destinations

Center for Sustainable Destinations

Center for Sustainable Destinations

R & R tourism

Depends only on physical character of place.

• • • • •

ACTIVITIES coastal resorts golf downhill skiing water sports vacation homes

• • •

CHARACTERISTICS Risk of sprawl Environmental impacts Opportunity for architecture, landscaping, cuisine, day tours, that suit the locale.

Center for Sustainable Destinations

Entertainment-style tourism

Does not depend on character of place.

• • • • • •

ACTIVITIES theme parks outlet malls amusement parks convention centers sports arenas casinos

Center for Sustainable Destinations

Center for Sustainable Destinations

Entertainment-style tourism

Does not depend on character of place.

• • • • • •

ACTIVITIES theme parks outlet malls amusement parks convention centers sports arenas casinos

• •

CHARACTERISTICS Changes nature of locale; high impact High employment generator

Mass tourism; high traffic

Center for Sustainable Destinations

DESTINATION STYLE DRIFT . . . if development unchecked, unguided Touring Unspoiled destination R & R Entertain ment SPOILED ?

Center for Sustainable Destinations

Center for Sustainable Destinations

Plog’s psychographic continuum

After Stanley C. Plog, PhD “MATURE” DESTINATION


Centric Venturers Centric Parochials


(DEPENDABLES) Near-Parochials Near Venturers Parochials Venturers Center for Sustainable Destinations


Tourism that sustains or enhances the geographical character of a place — its environment, culture, aesthetics, heritage, and the well-being of its residents.

Center for Sustainable Destinations

Tourism and sustainability


: • Overcrowding • Lower quality of experience • Loss of distinctiveness • Erosion of culture environment and

SUSTAINABLE TOURISM: First,do no harm.

Center for Sustainable Destinations

From eco - to geo -

Manage tourism so that it pays to protect the place, not destroy it


Sightseeing Cultural tourism


Heritage tourism ECOTOURISM: nature Indigenous tourism Local cuisine Agri tourism

All place-based types of tourism = the ENTIRE destination

Center for Sustainable Destinations


Tourism that sustains or enhances the geographical character of a place — its environment, culture, aesthetics, heritage, and the well-being of its residents.

Center for Sustainable Destinations


Center for Sustainable Destinations


Center for Sustainable Destinations


Center for Sustainable Destinations


Center for Sustainable Destinations


Center for Sustainable Destinations


Center for Sustainable Destinations


Center for Sustainable Destinations


Center for Sustainable Destinations


Center for Sustainable Destinations


Many small/medium businesses Center for Sustainable Destinations

Tourism interests (differentiation)


Tourists (enthusiasm) Residents (pride and benefits) Politicians (the usual)

Center for Sustainable Destinations


Tourism that sustains or enhances the geographical character of a place — its environment, culture, aesthetics, heritage, and the well-being of its residents .

Center for Sustainable Destinations

Center for Sustainable Destinations

Geotourism Virtuous Circle Place-based tourism Community benefit Motive to protect

Center for Sustainable Destinations

The Circle Broken

Leakage; irresponsible business practices Place-based tourism Obstacles to protection Motive to protect Community benefit Benefits too selective, or not apparent

Center for Sustainable Destinations


Tourism that sustains or character of a place — enhances the geographical its environment, culture, aesthetics, heritage, and the well-being of its residents.

Center for Sustainable Destinations


Center for Sustainable Destinations


Center for Sustainable Destinations

Center for Sustainable Destinations

Center for Sustainable Destinations

Uniting Culture, Nature, Preservation, and Economics:

The Geotourism Strategy


Center for Sustainable Destinations

The Geotourism Charter

A set of principles to promote sustainable tourism and enlightened destination stewardship.

Center for Sustainable Destinations


First country to make geotourism its national tourism strategy. Geotourism Charter signed

Center for

22 Oct 2004


Geotourism Charter signed 31 Aug 2005

Center for Sustainable Destinations


Geotourism Charter signed 27 Sept. 2005

Center for Sustainable Destinations

World Wilderness Congress

Geotourism Charter endorsed Oct. 2005

Center for Sustainable Destinations

Arizona, U.S.A. and Sonora, Mexico Geotourism Charter signed Dec. 2005

Center for Sustainable Destinations

Cook Islands

Geotourism Charter signed August 2006

Center for Sustainable Destinations

The Geotourism Principles

8. Protection and enhancement of 1. Integrity of place destination appeal 2. International codes 9. Land use 3. Market selectivity 10. Conservation of resources 4. Market diversity 11. Planning 5. Tourist enthusiasm 12. Interactive interpretation 6. Community involvement 13. Evaluation 7. Community benefit

Center for Sustainable Destinations

Set up a Geotourism Stewardship Council that includes:

Community organizations for. . .

• historic preservation • nature & ecotourism • traditional performing arts • farm/restaurant programs • beautification • indigenous and minority groups • urban renewal • local government • tourism and local business expertise • tourism promotion • other characteristics of the place

Center for Sustainable Destinations

The Geotourism appeal:

Holistic Pervasive Open to enhancement Marketable Competitive Informed & Interactive

A Geotourism Strategy

• Identify • Sustain • Develop • Market geotourism assets

Center for Sustainable Destinations


Geotourism Assets, Part 1

To ensure sustained demand, plan not for “tourism,” but for which tourists.

Geotourism Principle 3

• Market selectivity:

Concentrate on geotourism segments Center for Sustainable Destinations

The Geotourists

Center for Sustainable Destinations

SEGMENT SIZE Percent of 154 million who traveled in past 3 years Geo-Savvys 11% Urban Sophisticates 13% Self-Indulgents 13% Outdoor Sportsmen 14% Good Citizens 11% Traditionalists 11% Apathetics 13% Wishful Thinkers 14%

Center for Sustainable Destinations

SEGMENT SIZE Percent of the 13.6 million U.S. adults who traveled


3+ times in the past 3 years Geo-Savvys 21% Urban Sophisticates Self-Indulgents 14 % Outdoor Sportsmen 3% Apathetics 6% Good Citizens 17% Traditionals 6% Wishful Thinkers

18 $80






$70 16 14







$50 12 10 $40 HH$000 $30 8 NUMBER OF TRIPS $20 6 $10 4

M ea n URBAN SELF G eo -S avvy s Ur ba n So ph istica SOPHIS te s S elf In du lg en ts GENTS G oo d C itize O ns utd oo r S po rts m en


A pa th etics T ra ditio na list s Wish fu l T hin ke rs Center for Sustainable Destinations


Geotourism Assets

Center for Sustainable Destinations

Center for Sustainable Destinations

Geotourism Principle 1

• Integrity of place:

Sustain and enhance geographical character Center for Sustainable Destinations

Center for Sustainable Destinations

Antigua, Guatemala: unique volcanic setting and well-protected colonial architecture.

Center for Sustainable Destinations

Center for Sustainable Destinations

Geotourism Principle 6

• Community involvement:

Base tourism on community assets Center for Sustainable Destinations

Center for Sustainable Destinations

Center for Sustainable Destinations

Center for Sustainable Destinations

Geotourism Stewardship Councils . . .

Sonora GSC

Arizona GSC

. . . get involved with a project —Geotourism Map-Guide, festival, or other program.

Center for Sustainable Destinations


Geotourism Assets

Protect the tourism product: The place


Center for Sustainable Destinations

Geotourism Principle 10

• Conservation of resources:

Promote environmental management plans for energy, pollution, lighting, etc.

Center for Sustainable Destinations

Center for Sustainable Destinations

Global warming

Geotourism Principle 9

• Land use:

Avoid sprawling, excessive development; contain high-density in clusters; provide affordable housing Center for Sustainable Destinations

Center for Sustainable Destinations

Center for Sustainable Destinations

Center for Sustainable Destinations

Geotourism Principle 8

• Promote destination appeal:

Protect natural habitats, heritage sites, aesthetics, culture; avoid overcrowding Center for Sustainable Destinations

Center for Sustainable Destinations

“Eco” on a billboard?!!

Center for Sustainable Destinations


Geotourism Assets

Build on character of place.

Base tourism on community assets Center for Sustainable Destinations


Center for Sustainable Destinations

Center for Sustainable Destinations

Geotourism Principle 7

• Community benefit:

Encourage small business strategies and upward employment mobility Center for Sustainable Destinations

Center for Sustainable Destinations

Center for Sustainable Destinations

Center for Sustainable Destinations

Geotourism Principle 12

• Interactive interpretation:

Engage both visitors and hosts in learning about the place Center for Sustainable Destinations

Center for Sustainable Destinations

Center for Sustainable Destinations

Geotourism Principle 11

• Planning:

Balance short-term economic needs against long-term enhancement of geographical character Center for Sustainable Destinations

Center for Sustainable Destinations

Center for Sustainable Destinations

Geotourism Principle 13

• Evaluation

: Conduct regular reviews by all stakeholders. Measure success by economic/social/environmental

benefit per tourist, NOT sheer numbers of tourists


Center for Sustainable Destinations

Center for Sustainable Destinations


Geotourism Assets, Part 2

Tell great stories.

Enhance sense of place, through • Geotourism Stewardship Council, • private enterprise, • conservation and preservation • civic participation Center for Sustainable Destinations

National Geographic Geotourism MapGuides

Catalyst projects for forming geotourism alliances Center for Sustainable Destinations

Center for Sustainable Destinations

Geotourism MapGuides

Characteristics • National Geographic co-brand with local geotourism stewardship council.

• Council helps communities submit content for the map, within NGS guidelines; NGS makes final selection.

Dual purpose: 1. Creates a marketing/educational map; 2. Serves as an awareness-raising catalyst for destination stakeholders.

Center for Sustainable Destinations

Center for Sustainable Destinations

A project in practice: The transborder Sonoran Desert region

Center for Sustainable Destinations

Geographic Focus

Arizona-Sonora Multicultural Region

Center for Sustainable Destinations

Vermont NE Kingdom project

Center for Sustainable Destinations

Norway’s Queen Sonja at final signing of the Norwegian Geotourism Charter at NGS

Center for Sustainable Destinations

Tourism offices pick up the theme

Center for Sustainable Destinations

Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park, Canada-USA World Heritage destination Trans-border Geotourism Stewardship Council and MapGuide project Center for Sustainable Destinations

The geotourism test: Are we sustaining or enhancing the character of our place?

Center for Sustainable Destinations

Center for Sustainable Destinations