Transcript Slide 1

Essay Writing and good
academic practice
Dr Kyle R. Dyer
Academic Lead for PG Education
Programme Leader
1 October 2013
• My writing technique
• The importance of your own voice
• Examples of poor academic practice
• Identification and penalties
Kyle’s writing technique
• One sentence hypothesis/conclusion/statement
– Identify really really relevant articles (no more than 4) and
read them really really really well
– Dot point plan of essay
– Sort the other articles and assign to the plan
• Write fast, free, simple, stream of consciousness
– The rubbish first draft with intro and conclusion paragraphs
• Edit, fill in the gaps, read/research further and tidy
– The OK but not for others 2nd, 3rd, 4th… draft
• Sleep perchance to dream….
– Read it, Edit it, Finish the Final Draft.
Good Academic Practice
• Ensuring a reader can identify your thoughts and
ideas on a particular topic, and distinguish these
from others
Developing your own voice
• Examiners want to distinguish your thoughts and
words from those of others
– A true reflection of your understanding, academic skills
and abilities
Benefits (of writing in your own words)
• Helps internalise content
– Assists learning, understanding and memory
• Builds confidence in using and applying new ideas
and knowledge
• Helps examiners to provide accurate feedback and
help you with your specific learning needs and
– It helps us give individual and personalised support
Examples of poor academic practice
• Borrowing words from other sources without attribution
• Using extensive quotes
• Self-plagiarism
• Having others produce your work
• Cutting and pasting from websites
• Using figures, pictures or diagrams without acknowledging the
• Changing the order or a few words in existing text
Developing your own voice
• Paraphrase another author’s writing or speech
– Paraphrasing/interpreting their ideas in your own words
– Keeping the original meaning and referencing
– Note taking is when plagiarism is most likely
• Be confident
– We want to help you develop your voice and facilitate your
• Try to verbally explain/discuss
• Quote to strengthen your point
– Not to demonstrate that you’ve read something
• One sentence or less include in the text
– Dyer (2013) argues that “plagiarism is an example of poor
academic practice and will be penalised”.
– This isn't that profound or eloquent… Wouldn’t it be better
in your own words?
– Overuse of quotes suggests that you don’t understand the
• More than a sentence or two display as a separate
indented paragraph.
– If from a book show page number
– If from a website show url and download date
How we identify and penalise plagiarism
• Lecturer knowledge
Lecturer knowledge
Writing style changes
Font etc changes
• TurnItIn
– You have the right to assess your work on Turnitin prior to
• Google searches
How we identify and penalise plagiarism
• Academic Misconduct
– Plagiarism – presenting another’s work as your own
– Collusion – collaborating with another and presenting work
individually (e.g. essay banks)
– Cheating – acting in a dishonest way to gain advantage
• Sanctions First Offence
– penalty deduction for poor referencing (circa 10%) &/or
poor written expression (circa 10%)
– Zero mark awarded
• Sanctions Second Offence (or 30%+ similarity)
– Referral to College Examination Misconduct Comm.
– Penalties from admonishment through h to expulsion
At the end of the day…
• We just want to hear your own voice and facilitate
your learning
Write in your own words
Maintain original meaning
Provide a reference
And all will be OK
Good resources….
• The English Language Centre provides study skills support,
including academic writing tutorials.
• KCL Library have great resources online and links
• Leeds University have a wonderful e-learning package
• Your personal tutor, module leader or Kyle will review
a draft if asked….