Transcript Plagiarism

Nora G. Agustero, PhD
Saint Columban College
Pagadian City
Avoid Plagiarism
• What is plagiarism?
– Passing off someone else’s ideas or words as
your own.
– Includes text, original ideas, statistics, charts,
diagrams, art work, Web sources
• All words and ideas in an essay that are not your
– must be attributed to the author
– not doing this is a form of INTELLECTUAL THEFT
What Is Plagiarism: I
• The original: from The Net Result (1997):
“For the citizen, the Information Society places
increasing emphasis on the use of information for
problem solving, decision making and personal
development. This calls for adequate skills, which we
have referred to as ‘information capability’.”
• Essay extract: “For the citizen, the Information Society
places increasing emphasis on the use of information
for problem solving, decision making and personal
development. This calls for adequate skills, which we
have referred to as ‘information capability’.”
– Identical to the original
What Is Plagiarism: II
• The original:
“For the citizen, the Information Society places increasing
emphasis on the use of information for problem solving,
decision making and personal
• development. This calls for adequate skills, which we have
referred to as ‘information capability’.”
• Essay extract:
“As the Net Result (1997) points out, ‘information
capability’ is very important. For the citizen, the
Information Society places increasing
• emphasis on the use of information for problem solving,
decision making and personal development.”
– The remainder of the passage reads as if it is the essay
writer’s own work.
– Just giving a citation and then copying is not sufficient
What Is Plagiarism: III
• The original:
“For the citizen, the Information Society places increasing
emphasis on the use of information for problem solving,
decision making and personal
development. This calls for adequate skills, which we have
referred to as ‘information capability’.”
• Essay extract:
• “For an individual, the Information Society is putting more
and more emphasis on using information for solving
problems, making decisions
• and developing people. This calls for sufficient expertise,
which is sometimes called ‘information capability’.”
– Just a simple word-for-word change of vocabulary
– Take particular care when using lecturers’ handouts
What Is Plagiarism: IV
• The original:
“For the citizen, the Information Society places increasing
emphasis on the use of information for problem solving,
decision making and personal development. This calls for
adequate skills, which we have referred to as ‘information
• Essay extract:
“There are other factors which deprive people of access to
IT, besides poverty, e.g.,
education may be an issue. Citizens today need access to
information for many reasons. The Net Result (1997)
proposes that ‘information capability’ is
a necessity to enable people to develop themselves and to
solve problems and make decisions in their everyday lives..”
• THIS IS NOT PLAGIARISM, as the idea of ‘information
capability’ is correctly attributed
Avoid Accidental Plagiarism
• Don’t cut and paste thinking you will change the
downloaded text subsequently; make notes
• These notes should not be verbatim (either from
the Web or forma lecturer’s notes) unless you
intend to quote.
Read the passage
Put the source on one side
Think about the meaning of what you’ve read
Write the key points down in your own words
Remember to record the source
• Remember to put direct quotes in inverted
commas and cite the author and page