English 105 Heald College Ms. T. Oliver MA

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Transcript English 105 Heald College Ms. T. Oliver MA

English 105 Heald College
Ms. T. Oliver, MA
Composition and Reading
A little bit about Ms. Oliver
 I was raised in Reno Nevada.
I went to school in Washington State and here in Sacramento with a
BA in Home Economics, CA Teaching Credentials, and a MA ED.
I enjoy exercising, quilting, reading, and writing.
I have been here at Heald for 3 years.
I run the ATB Program
Contact me: [email protected] or (916) 905-7559
Course Outcomes
•Write formal, academic essays (Diagnostic, Narrative,
Compare/Contrast, and Research).
•Use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
•Critically analyze your readings (see Blooms Taxonomy).
•Integrate new vocabulary in writing (use Thesaurus).
•Prepare presentation(s)
•EBSCO (online research tool/library): http://search.epnet.com
User ID is “healdroseville”, Password is “student”.
•On-line Dictionary: http://dictionary.reference.com/
•MLA Format @ [email protected]
•Basic Essay Format @ [email protected]
•Essay Topic Ideas: http://essaytopicideas.com/
This is a collection of all of your work. When put together well, it is
a great tool to use in job interviews.
•Save key assignments from each class that best highlight your skill
•It should contain evidence of learning related to your program.
•Keep a hard copy as well as an electronic copy.
Don’t do it! We use “Turnitin.com” as well as other resources to
discover plagiarism.You will receive a grade of “F” if you plagiarize.
What is Plagiarism?
•Stealing somebody's work or idea: the process of copying
another person's idea or written work and claiming it as
• Something plagiarized: a piece of written work or an
idea that somebody has copied and claimed as his or her
How to Avoid Plagiarism
Write in your own words.
2. Cite anything and everything you quote. See citation instructions
in the Pocket Book.
3. Ask me if you are not sure.
You must be present to get
credit for in-class activities.
No make-ups will be
Understanding Course at a Glance
In-Class That Day
Due @ Next Class Meeting
Week 1 Interview, Pre-write
Chapter 1
Read: “What is
Syllabus and Schedule
Diagnostic Essay
Assignments are due
on the DUE DATE,
no exceptions.
If You Are Absent
•Missing two classes in a row = a class drop.
You may write a letter of appeal only on the day after your second
day in a row you missed. It may or may not be approved. See your
•Each class missed decreases your learning potential as well as your
passing potential.
•Any in-class activities may not be made up.
•You must be present for presentations. No make ups allowed.
•Be here on time, ready to work, and stay the entire length of class.
•Be respectful (quite, no texting…) while I am lecturing.
•Speak only positively in class.
•Participate in discussions and group activities doing your fair share.
•Do you own work.
•No excuses.
•Want it bad enough to put for the effort necessary to do it