Transcript Document

Developing and Enhancing your
UK Preparing Future Faculty Program
Curriculum Vitae (CV)
“course of life”
Much more detailed than a résumé
Summarizes your educational background
& experiences
Can be useful to your references when
writing letters for you; awards,
CV vs. Resume
Usually 1-2 pages
More suitable for
corporate jobs
Often contains a
“career objective”
Usually generic and
used for a range of
Format may be
graphically creative
May be 1 to 30+ pages
More suitable for
academic institutions,
Doesn’t have
“objective” but may
have brief statement of
research interests
Often tailored to
specific institutional
type or emphasis
Format is conventional
and conservative
2 uses of the CV
In the United States, a "CV" or "vitae" is "a
comprehensive, biographical statement
emphasizing your professional qualifications
and activities." It is used in pursuit of an
academic or research position.
In other countries, the CV is the standard
résumé, although the format and some of the
information may differ from customary
practice in the U.S.
CV contents
Dependable contact
information; include web
page if professional and
adds value
Education (include degree
status, advisor, dissertation
title, completion date)
Teaching experiences
Research experiences
Employment (professional)
Honors, awards, patents
Grants, fellowships
Special skills, languages
Service (professional)
Licenses and certificates
Professional organizations
and conferences
Complete reference
contact information (mail,
phone, e-mail, fax)
May have short (2-3
sentence research
A typical CV starts with …
Higher Education:
Ph.D., university, location, dates
Dissertation title
 Advisor
Graduate Certificates or other certs.
M.A. university, location, date
Thesis title (optional)
B.A., major, university, location, date
(Could add study abroad experience, etc.)
Place highlights and strengths first in order of most
recent experience
Tailor the order in which you list your experiences
according to the job requirements and emphases
Required info for experiences:
Title, dates, institution, location (city/state or city/country)
Description of duties
Use statements NOT sentences
Format with bullets at the beginning of each statement
(paragraphs are too much to read)
Begin each statement with an action verb
Use present tense if still performing in a certain job
Use past tense for jobs in the past
“Experience” may be multiple
Teaching Experience
Research Experience
Clinical Experience
Relevant non-academic experience
Use organization of your CV to highlight
information relevant to the particular
Other categories might include
Research Overview
Consulting Experience,
Academic Service
Presentations and Publications
Committee Work
Refereed Journal Articles
Conference Presentations
Workshop Presentations
Invited Addresses
Editorial Appointments
Book Reviews
Gallery Talks
Keynote Addresses
Areas of Expertise
(Specialization, Competence)
Graduate Practica
Specialized Training/Skills
Teaching Assistantships
Funded Projects
Professional Memberships
Your CV
Should be concise, wellwritten (clear, jargon-free)
Proofread carefully – no
misspellings or grammar
errors, get details correct
Professional look and feel
Be realistic and honest
Communicate degree
status appropriately
Easy to scan visually and
organized so that
important information is
easily found
12-point font, easily
Single-sided printing;
white paper
Your name on every
page; pages numbered
No gimmicks
No offensive or
provocative language or
Consistent formatting
High-quality printing or pdf
Important Points
There is NO one best format – you may have
a couple of versions depending on the type of
institution to which you are applying (teaching
vs research emphasis).
Know what styles and formats are common in
your discipline.
Citation formats should be in appropriate
disciplinary style (APA, MLA, Chicago, …)
Look at lots of CVs, and get lots of feedback,
before you submit yours.
Include GPA, birth date,
Include relevant
Social Security #, Marital
status, hobbies, sex, race,
Reverse chronological
religion, politics, exam
scores, high school
activities, license numbers
Provide accurate contact
information (e-mail address Mix font styles
that you check regularly; phone Include “non-professional” ewith voicemail)
mail addresses
Include information about
([email protected],
undergraduates and/or
[email protected] or other
graduate students you
have mentored in
No padding!
As a graduate student
Generally you will lump together more categories on your
CV than will faculty. As you gain experience you will want
to refine categories and distinguish more types of
“Publications," for you, might include everything. Later on
you will definitely need to distinguish between "Refereed
Articles" and "Articles" and "Reviews" and "Book
Reviews," etc… Make sure and know what the norm is
for your discipline!
More experiences call for more specific categories