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Transcript STUDENT VOICE PPT (ISLN--all regions)





Teacher Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Sources of evidence to inform professional practice. Observation Peer Observation


Professional Growth Self-Reflection Student Voice Student Growth

What do all of these sites have in common?

Why Kids Should Grade Teachers

The Big Three Activity

 Identify THREE takeaways from the article on notecard  Take THREE minutes to share your takeaways with someone else

Why Kids Should Grade Teachers

My Big Three

 Test scores can reveal when kids are not learning; they can’t reveal WHY. They might make teachers relax or despair- but they can’t help teachers improve.

 Survey results don’t change depending on race or income- not the case with test data, which can rise depending on how white and affluent a school is.  If you ask kids the right questions, they can identify, with uncanny accuracy, their most- and least-effective teachers.

MET Project: Student Voice

Student Voice in the Classroom Teaching Channel Video student-feedback

Mr. Ronevich Question #1 

How did Mr. Ronevich use the results to improve his teaching?

Question #2 

How did the principal use the results to help Mr. Ronevich improve?

A Look at the Questions

Kentucky S.T.U.D.E.N.T. Voice

S.T.U.D.E.N.T. Voice Survey

 

Questions relate to construct of S.T.U.D.E.N.T. Three Different Surveys- all levels completed online

K-2 (administered individually to student by adult)



 Link to Kentucky S.T.U.D.E.N.T. Voice Surveys (KDE website)

Student Voice & FfT  For your assigned letter, match the question/construct to the most appropriate component from the Kentucky Framework for Teaching document.  Identify your correlation on the poster for each survey.

Group Assignment  Pink Card: S  Blue Card: T  Yellow Card: U  Purple Card: D  Red Card: E  Green Card: N  White Card: T

K-2 Survey Support: 2B Transparency: 2B, 3D, 2E, 3A Understand: 3D, 3C Discipline: Engage: Nurture: Trust: 2D, 2C 3C, 3B 2A, 3D, 3B 3B, 2B, 2A, 2B

3-5 Survey Support: 2B Transparency: 2B, 3D, 2E, 3A, 3D Understand: 3D, 3C Discipline: Engage: Nurture: Trust: 2B, 2D 3C, 3B 2A, 3D, 3B 3B, 2B, 2A

6-12 Survey Support: 2B, 3D Transparency: 3A, 3E, 3D Understand: 3D Discipline: Engage: Nurture: Trust: 2A, 2D, 2C 3C, 3B 2A 2A, 2B, 3B, 2C

DISTRICT Student Perception Results

School Student Perception Results

Teacher Student Perception Results

Analyzing Student Voice Results


Student Voice to Improve Teaching

Q & A with Jennifer Howard Magoffin County H.S. Math Teacher

Getting Ready for Student Voice 

Administration Window:

~March 19-April 2

ACTIVE Infinite Campus Student Portal

~Usernames & Passwords

Student Voice Survey Guidance Document

KDE Student Voice Link  nt-Voice-Survey.aspx

Student Voice

 What needs to happen NOW to get ready for Student Voice?  Who needs to be involved in preparing your district/school for Student Voice administration?