ToK Essay - Mr Field's Chemistry Class

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ToK Essays
Writing about knowledge issues
What are knowledge Issues?
IB Definition:
‘Knowledge issues are questions that directly refer to our
understanding of the world, ourselves and others, in connection with
the acquisition, search for, production, shaping and acceptance of
In simple terms, questions that:
Question what we believe, our reasons for believing it and
whether these are good reasons
For example:
Of the four ways of knowing: Emotion, Language, Reason and Sense
Perception, which do you think are more reliable and which are less
reliable? Illustrate your answer with examples from at least two areas of
Knowledge Issue
Why It’s a Knowledge Issue
What are the characteristics of reliable The issue of reliability is related to
whether our reason for belief is a good
What role does a WoK play in
knowledge acquisition within a given
It looks at the differences in the way
knowledge is generated in different
Does the reliability of WoK vary in
different contexts?
It questions whether the standards for
knowledge are different in different
Characteristics of a Good Knowledge Issue:
Open question
Asks explicitly about knowledge
Uses concepts from ToK (specific ways of knowing/areas
of knowledge etc)
Is precise in terms of the relationship between the ToK
concepts mentioned
Some More Examples
Questions not about what we know but how we know it
Not a Knowledge Issue
Knowledge Issue
Is Gangnam Style a good piece of music?
What roles do reason and emotion play in
determining the quality of a piece of music?
Is the death penalty wrong?
Should emotion play a role in deciding the
morality of the death penalty?
What is the solution to the ongoing financial
crisis in the West?
Do the varying views of economists as to how
to solve the financial crisis undermine the
claims of economics to be a science?
Is ‘string theory’ the theory of everything?
Does the lack of experimental evidence mean
string theory is not science?
Which account of the Rape of Nanking is
correct: the Chinese or the Japanese?
Given the existence of conflicting accounts,
how should you determine historical truth?
For each knowledge issue, see if it meets the criteria mentioned on the previous page.
Try to develop your own knowledge issues and see if they meet these criteria.
Some fall-back knowledge issues
What role does ‘x’ play in ‘y’?
How does ‘x’ affect the certainty of ‘y’?
To what extent does ‘x’ apply to ‘y’?
What is the value of ‘x’ (to ‘y’)?
Is there a difference between ‘x’ and ‘y’?
In groups of 4 (ish)
Select one of the essay titles from the exam paper that no one
in the group has done
Try to identify some of the knowledge issues that need to be
These must be written down as this will help to clarify and
shape them
Attempt another question if you finish early
Writing about knowledge issues
Stay focussed on answering the knowledge issue (do not let
yourself get side tracked)
Describe the issue then explore it…this means talk about
the implications, look at how it applies in different situations.
Apply the idea in relation to your experience as a learner
Bring in relevant examples, some from your own learning
Give (and justify) your own opinion
Key lessons from examiner’s report
Spend considerable time thinking about and unpacking the question
Bring in knowledge issues naturally – don’t just say ‘my knowledge issues are….’
Focus discussing ways of knowing within the context of an area of knowledge
Choose concrete, real examples rather than complicated abstract ones
Make sure you answer the question
Avoid cliches…. ‘maths is totally based on reason’ etc
Avoid bald assertions (make qualified claims)
Use any definitions you give
Example: Knowledge is generated through the interaction of critical and creative
thinking. Evaluate this statement in two areas of knowledge.
Structuring the Essay
Your essay must be structured in such as way as you
make sure you answer the whole question
You should structure your essay in such a way as it helps
you to analyse.
Use your knowledge issues to help provide some
For example:
What is reliability
What is reliability
Emotion in X
Emotion in Y
Language in
Language in Y
Reason in X
Reason in Y
Perception in
Perception in
in X
in X
Reason in
n in X
in Y
in Y
Reason in
n in Y
In this case ‘X’ and ‘Y’ would be the two areas of knowledge I was
looking at. It can be useful to choose ones that you think will clash
in some way or provide interesting/instructive comparisons.
For whichever title(s) you chose previously
Draw out structure that would help you to answer
it (doesn’t have to be a table, could be a mind-map
etc – visual generally better)
Try to flesh-out some of the points you might try
to make
How did you do?
Grade boundaries are as follows:
What would this mean in terms of bonus