Introduction PowerPoint Presentation to the Front Desk HQ

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Transcript Introduction PowerPoint Presentation to the Front Desk HQ

Keep It Simple Software LLC.
Who is Keep It Simple Software LLC?
K.I.S.S (Keep It Simple Software) is an
individually owned software company located
in Northbrook IL, that specializes in Real
Estate software designed by a realtor that
benefits and improves both the Real Estate
business and seamless control of a brokers
listings to closing.
What is Front Desk HQ?
Front Desk HQ (Head Quarters) is simply just
that. The head quarters of your office. From
Property Listing, Making Appointments,
Individual Agent access, Recording
Transactions, Agent billing, Management
Reports, Commission Tracking, and Monthly
Statistical Reports. All designed to be
Powerful, Flexible, and Simple.
What is so different about
Front Desk HQ?
We created the Front Desk HQ, based on a
Virtual Office atmosphere. Meaning, this
system is accessible by any PC that is
connected to the World Wide Web.
Individual password protected access to his or
her information from virtually anywhere.
This platform eliminates the need to install
software or keep up with software updates.
What comes with the
Front Desk HQ?
Secure access for Agents,
Managers, & Administrators
Input & track agent
appointments, transactions,
commissions & property
Automated appointment email
notifications & showing
feedback forms
Individual, city, fallen deal &
running total agent tracking
Regional monthly detail,
agent, & vital commission
Account approval holding
section for pending
What comes with the
Front Desk HQ? (cont.)
A collection of previously
entered showing agents from
other showings and offices
A combined office production
Agent monthly detail billing
Office Roster
Printable Earnest Money
transaction statements
Automated email Flash Book
listings report
Email reminders for agent
billing and expired listings
Email bulletins and
announcements to Agents
Appointments made daily
Who’s showing our property
with Average Volume report
What are the benefits of the
Front Desk HQ?
24 hr account access
No software to install
Compiled data in one central
Recalls old data easily
Real time reports
Tracking ability
Region Month Vital reports
Email notifications
Different users levels of
control throughout the system
Eliminates data input
Allows agent to input and
modify their data
No paper chasing
Incredible time saver
Powerful, Flexible and Simple
Your Next Steps
Your next steps are to start utilizing the Front
Desk HQ
Signing up has never been so easy, we will
request personal and office information, and
your account will be set up within minutes.
You will be able to start your Head Quarters
with an efficient and productive software.