Transcript Slide 1

Patty Pounds Program
The 10 Minute Exercise Plan
• Start by walking 5 minutes briskly.
• Exercise
– Perform each exercise at your tolerance and
pace for 30 seconds. Do not rest in between
Squat Punches
• In comfortable squat position, alternate punches.
Keep abdominals tucked in.
Forward Lunge
• Stand and step forward onto one leg. Lower
down with both knees as tolerated. Alternate
side to side.
Inclined Push Ups
• Lean against desk or table in inclined position.
Lower chest toward desk to tolerance and
return. Repeat.
Mountain Climbers
• Lean against desk or table. Raise up onto toe
while bringing opposite knee up high toward
chest. Alternate legs.
Low Balance Reach
• Stand on one leg, kicking one leg out behind
you. Reach downward and return to center
without touching foot down. Repeat 15 seconds
on each leg.
Tricep Dips
• Leaning backwards at desk. Lower butt by
bending elbows and press back up. Repeat.
Butt Dips
• Leaning backward against desk lower butt
toward desk keeping arms straight. Squeeze
buttock and lift hips up to straight inclined
position. Return and repeat.
Knee To Elbow Crunch
• Standing, bring elbow across to meet opposite
knee. Contract abdominals during crossover.
Alternate side to side.
Backward Lunge
• Stand, then step backward with one leg and
lower. Bend both knees to comfortable level.
Alternate side to side.
Side Plank With Leg Lift
• Lean tall against desk in inclined position. Pump
top leg up and down for 15 seconds on each