ALL forms of tobacco contain chemicals that are DANGEROUS to

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Transcript ALL forms of tobacco contain chemicals that are DANGEROUS to

So…anybody have a light?
•ALL forms of tobacco contain chemicals that are
DANGEROUS to your health – there are no safe
•Nicotine is the addictive element in cigarettes that
keep people coming back for more.
•Tar is the substance in tobacco that damages your
respiratory system
•Carbon Monoxide is a poisonous gas in tobacco
that has no color or odor…silent but deadly.
white spots in the
mouth that can
turn into oral
One way Leukoplakia can develop
is from continuous smokeless
What if I only smoke for a few weeks
or a couple of months?
•The chemistry in our
brains changes
•Breathing/heart rate goes
•Taste buds dulled/appetite
•Bad breath, yellow teeth,
smelly hair, skin, & clothes
What if smoking for a few weeks
turns into a life long habit for me?
Electronic Cigarettes…are these safe?
MYTH: This is a safe
alternative for
TRUTH: There are no
safe alternatives.
With the electronic
cigarettes, you are
able to control your
level of nicotine.
Where there is
nicotine, there is
MYTH: There are no warning labels on the electronic
cigarettes, they are very easy to get since they are available
at many places, and they have a variety of delicious flavors
therefore there is nothing harmful about them.
TRUTH: There are many harmful parts to these cigarettes
(they contain nicotine, cancer causing chemicals, and
more). The variety of flavors & availability appeals to young
kids who can become hooked.
Chewing tobacco...
Baseball players do it – what’s the big deal?
Cigarettes VS. Chewing Tobacco:
•Young kids who use chewing tobacco can
be addicted for their lifetime & frequently
smoke cigarettes as well.
•Studies show that young boys who chew
tobacco have a higher risk of becoming
cigarette smokers within 4 years.
Risks: leads to gum disease,
nicotine addiction, & increased
risk for oral cancer. Sounds
good right? There’s more…it
also causes LEUKOPLAKIA
along with the juices in the
tobacco causing cancer of
esophagus, pharynx, larynx,
stomach, & pancreas. Yum!
How will YOU deal with it?
“It’s just one cigarette…”
“Are you afraid to try something new?”
“You seem stressed out…smoking will help
you relax.”
“You can always quit later when you’re
“Everybody else does it.”
What if my friends smoke & I don’t, can
second hand smoke harm me?
Emma's friend Megan lights up a
cigarette every chance she gets —
while she's cruising around with their
friends on Friday nights, during
breaks at the pizza place, before
soccer scrimmages, even as she
babysits her brother. Emma's worried
— both for her friend's health and for
her own. She's not sure Megan realizes
how her habit could be affecting the
health of the people she smokes
What messages are these pictures
sending to you about smoking?
Think about…
How much of
this is influenced
by his culture?
Is this child the
person to blame?
If not, who is
What are the
dangers of
smoking at such
a young age?
Were your final
thoughts about
the boy the
same at the end
of the clip as
they were at
the beginning?
Why/why not?
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