Transcript E-Cigarette

E- Cigarettes
Can they Kill Too?
E - Cigarettes
• They were create to help desperate smokers
kick the habit.
• They have a sleek sophisticated design. Bright
blue lights. Built in memory chip that uses the
same algorithms as computers.
• Snazzy as a new IPhone, Blackberry.
• With no tobacco and such careful engineering,
these battery powered devices must be safe –
• E Cigarette still contain nicotine, a highly
addictive drug that come from the leaves of
• Nicotine is known to actually change the
developing brain.
• E-Cigs are so new that no ones know exactly
how dangerous they may be!
E- Cigarettes are own by big Tobacco
• Tobacco companies need to replace the 1200
individuals who die each day fro tobacco!
• Tobacco companies know that the best way to
replace those 1200 folks is to recruit YOU!!
• The e-cig industry is very cleaver in saying that
they don’t market to teens.
• The E –Cig companies are using the same
tactics they used to use to recruit millions and
millions of young people to smoke regular
• Examples are celebrity endorsements, clever
movie placements, sweet flavors like cookie
and cream or cherry.
E- Cig gone wrong
• Last February, a 14
week old puppy died
after chewing it owner’s
e-cigarette cartridge
and ingesting a small
dose of nicotine!
Can E- Cigarettes hook me on real
• Dr. Garry Sigman, director of adolescent
medicine at Loyola University Medical Center
states: “We’re finding kids who never smoked
before are using e-cigarettes, and may be
moving on the regular cigarettes. Basically ecigarettes are teaching you how to smoke.”
E –Cigs gone wrong
• A man from Florida
suffered severe burns
after a faulty battery in
his e-cigarette
overheated. He lost
some of his front teeth
and some of his tongue.
• A recent study found
that E – Cig vapors
create tiny particles that
get stuck deep in the
lungs, potentially
causing respiratory