Steve Jobs, transformational leader

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Transcript Steve Jobs, transformational leader

Atypical track records
• No college diplomas,
Practices what he preaches
• Treats his team members as equal, lots of flexibility
Multiple Successes and come backs
• Kicked out of Apple after taking it to the top; build himself back and buy it
Self Made man
• Started from scratch, adopted, founded apple.
Story telling of his own path helped team members to envision success and
He was always clear about the direction in which the company was heading to.
Steve Jobs fought through illness and stayed as long as he could to bring the
company as its best.
Steve jobs knew how to inspire and attract people with the same vision and the
skill set he needed for the team. He was an inspirational mentor to his team and
empower the level 5 leader characteristics.
Steve Jobs seemed to know what the public needed well before the public knew
what it needed, and so he was always ahead of the game taking inventions and
innovations that he experienced and applying them to personal computing and
media in a way that no one ever imagined was possible.
Steve Jobs have always encouraged people in esteem to dare, to try new things .
When apple launched the Ipad and Iphone critics were skeptical about the
company entering a new segment but Steve Job went beyond that.
Steve Jobs used a participative leadership style to encourage his followers to
bring new ideas to the table.
Thanks to his team, he reinvented how we access and listen to music and how we
define the word "phone”
Steve Jobs encouraged the research of many product brought from his teammate
that ended not being good product at first so nobody would feel restricted or
limited into the scope of their work.
During the keynotes and different meetings, Steve Job never mentioned the
pronoun “I” but instead “WE” as a group.
Yet according to Gladwell (2011), Jobs was known for screaming at his
employees. He was also known as a bully, targeting people's weaknesses and
belittling them.