英文簡報技巧 English Briefing

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Transcript 英文簡報技巧 English Briefing

英文簡報 Easy Go!!
蘇 綉 惠
朝陽科技大學應用外語系 副教授
兼外語中心 主任
Group Discussion
How do you feel when speaking in public?
Have you attended any good/bad
 Why were they good/bad?
 When was the last time you gave a
presentation? What was it about?
 What makes a good presentation?
Define the purpose. 確立目標
Analyse the audience. 分析瞭解觀眾
Brainstorm the topic. 對要演講的主題腦力激盪
Research your topic. 對要演講的主題多作研究
Organise your material and write a draft.
Summarise your draft into points.將草稿寫
Plan and prepare your visual aids.準備視
Rehearse your presentation.演練
- Tell them what you will tell.
- Tell them!
- Tell them what you told them.
 Capture listener’s attention 抓住觀眾的注意力
─ a question, a joke, a startling comment..
 State your purpose.說明演講目的
e.g. I’m going to talk about…..
 Present an outline of your talk.說明演講大綱
e.g. I will concentrate on the following points:
First of all…Then…This will lead to …and
 Ask a question
 State an unusual fact
 Give an illustration, example, or a story
 Present a quotation
 Refer to an historical event
 Tell a joke
 Use a gimmick
 Point to common relationships, beliefs, interests..
 Refer to the occasion, purpose of meeting..
 Compliment the audience
 Present main points one by one in logical order.
 Pause at the end of each point 每一重點後暫停
- give people time to take notes, to think
 Use connectives to move to the next point.
e.g. The next point I want to make is…
I will now move on to my next point.
On the other hand, ….
 Use clear examples. 用清楚例句
 Use visual aids. 用視覺輔助器材
 Summarise the main points again.將重點概述
e.g. To sum up, I’ve explained….
So, in conclusion….
 Restate the purpose of your talk, and say that you’ve
achieved your aim.重述演講的目的
e.g. I think we can now see that…..
My intention was…., and it should now be
clear that..
 Thank the audience, and invite questions.
e.g. Thank you. Are there any questions?
Transitions(Connections)- Signpost
 First, I’d like to talk about…
 Now, I’d like to move on to….
 Next, let me describe….
 Finally, let me explain…
 For example,…./
For instance,…
 In conclusion,…/
In summary,…
Transitions- Connecting Words
 Reason/ Result
- Because…so…..
- Since….Therefore,
- Because of…..
- Consequently,..
 Contrast
- but../ Although…./ However…
 Addition
 - ..and…./ Also, ../In addition,..
Effective DeliveryBefore you Speak
 Dress to help your speech. 有助演講的穿著
 Step up to speak with confidence and authority.
 Establish contact with your audience.
Video: What is the point? /Checklist
Effective DeliveryWhile You’re Speaking
 Maintain contact with your audience.
 Sound conversational.以口語方式表達
 Avoid (避免) ah, so, you know, etc.
 Maintain (保持)good posture(姿態)。
 Don’t play (玩弄)with notes, pencil, clothes,
 Speak loudly enough.音量夠大
Video: Making a start
Effective Delivery- Gesture(手勢)
To help you relax(放鬆) .
To help your listeners (聽眾)relax.
To help a speaker emphasise (強調)what he/she says.
Gestures - A nod of your head (點頭)can emphasise a point.
- A smile can communicate your agreement
 Practice (練習)when you are alone (一個人).
 Practice exaggerates (誇大)gesturing.
Effective DeliveryUse of Language
 Keep it simple- to communicate, not to show off
 Emphasise the key points.
- make sure people realise (瞭解) which are
the key points.
Effective Delivery- Use of Voice
 Speak loudly enough.
 Do not rush! -speak slowly and clearly. 不要急
 Pronounce (發音)words carefully.
 Vary (變化)your voice quality.
Video: The right kind of language
Effective DeliveryUse of Body Language
 Stand straight and comfortably.站直
 Hold your head up.抬頭
 Use your hands, facial expression(臉部表情)
and body.
Video: Body Language
Interaction with the Audience
 Be aware of (瞭解)how your audience(觀眾)
is reacting.
 Check if the audience is still with you.
e.g. Does that make sense?
Is that clear?
 Be open to questions.
Video: Finishing off
Using Visual AidsDesigning Visuals
Minimum lines and numbers
Short titles and labels
Clear main point
Using Visual AidsDescribing Visuals
 Introducing Main Points
e.g. If you look at the screen, you can see…
This diagram shows….
 Defining Parts
e.g. If you look at the top, you can see..
On the right is….
 Focusing on Important Items
e.g. As you can see…
Here is the…..
Simple but excellent slides
Richard St. John
Richard St. John: "Success is a continuous
journey" | Video on TED.com
Dealing with Questions
Be prepared.
Stay in control.
Check the answer.
Q & A Session
- 5 stages
Welcome the questions.
- ‘Good questions!’
- ‘Very good points!’
Clarify the question- repeat the question.
- ‘Would you rephrase the question?’
Think about the answer.
- Pause and think.
Q & A Session
- 5 stages
Answer the question
- Be honest if you don’t know.
- Be helpful. ‘I’ll email you later.’
Make sure your answer is satisfactory.
- ’Did I answer your question?’
Q & A Session
 When there are no questions,
- ‘If there are no questions, I’ll finish there.’
- ‘Thank you very much.’
 When there are no more questions,
- ‘I’m afraid that’s all the time we have. Thank you.’
- ‘I’m sorry to say we’ve run out of time. Thank you.’
Video: Question time
Tips- Nervousness緊張
 Nearly everyone is nervous about giving a
presentation. Admit it!
Luciano Pavarotti said:
“I am now as nervous as the first day I was on
 Experience reduces(減少) nervousness.
 Realise you appear more confident (自信)than
you feel.
 Keep breathing.(呼吸)
Tips- Attitude
 Be friendly- Smile!
 Relax- Breathe.
 Have fun! Giving an oral presentation is a
performance (表演)!
 Do give yourself enough time to prepare.
 Do limit the amount of information you give.
 Do find out your audience.
- How much do they know?
- What are they interested in?
 Do check before the presentation about the
equipments (設備)you are going to use.
 Do remember the eye contact (眼神接觸).
 Do remember to speak clearly and not too fast.
 Do pause after showing a visual aid.
 Do keep the time.
 Do relax!
 Don’t apologise (道歉)for your English.
 Don’t look at the ceiling, the floor or out of the
 Don’t memorise (死記)your presentation.
 Don’t wave your paper or anything around when
Steve Job’s presentation
Present Like Steve Jobs – YouTube
Steve Job’s presentation
Set the theme 設定主題
- Make theme clear and consistent (一致).
- Create a headline (標題)that sets the
direction for your meeting.
 Provide an outline (大綱)
- Open & close each section with a clear
- Make it easy for your listeners to follow
your story.
Steve Job’s presentation
 Demonstrate Enthusiasm(熱情)
- Extraordinary
- Amazing
- Cool
- Incredible
- Unbelievable
- Awesome
Steve Job’s presentation
 Wow your audience (使驚豔)
- Don’t put them in sleep.
 Sell an experience
- Make numbers and statistics (統計數字)
meaningful (有意義).
- Analogies (類比法) help connect the dots for
your audience.
 Make it visual (視覺的 ).
- Paint a simple picture that doesn’t overwhelm
Steve Job’s presentation
 Rehearse, Rehearse, Rehearse (預演)
- Spend the time to rehearse.
 One more thing….
- Give your audience an added bonus (好康的)
to walk away with….
 Comfort, J.(2006). Effective Presentations. UK:
Oxford University Press.
 Fletcher, L. (2004). How to Design & Deliver
Speeches. US: Pearson.
 Knight, G. & O’neil, M. (2002). Business Explorer
3. UK: Cambridge University Press.
 Powell, M.(2003). Presenting in English. Taipei:
 Vaughan, A.& Heyen, N. (1994). Stand & Deliver.
UK: Longman.