Attending and listening powerpoint

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Effective attending:
• Tells the other person you are with them
• Puts you in a position to listen
In his book The Skilled Helper, Gerard Egan identifies 'microskills'
involved in attending. He uses the acronym SOLER:
Face the person Squarely
Adopt an Open posture
Lean slightly towards the person
Maintain good Eye contact
Try to Relax
• Stop talking: The focus must be on the person talking.
• Prepare yourself to listen: Try to free your mind of other
• Put the talker at ease: Help the talker to feel free to talk.
Think SOLER.
• Remove distractions: Focus your mind on what is being
said. Don't doodle, tap, shuffle papers. Find an appropriate
environment. Switch off the phone.
• Empathize: Show genuine interest.
• Be patient: A pause, even a long one, does not mean
that the person has finished speaking. Be comfortable
with periods of silence.
• Listen exactly: Listen to what the person is really
saying, not what you think s/he should be saying.
• Listen to the tone: Tone, volume and pitch can give the
listener clues to the person's feelings.
• Listen for ideas, not just words: You want to
get the whole picture. A surface grievance may
hide an underlying problem.
• Find out: Probe gently. Check your own
understanding: repeat back what you think you
have heard.
• Watch non-verbal communication: Body
posture, gestures, facial expressions and so on
are all important. Non-verbal communication can
deny or confuse what is being said verbally. It
can also confirm what is being said.
Empathic listening means ‘entering the private,
perceptual world of the other and becoming
thoroughly at home in it. It involves being
sensitive, moment by moment, to the changing
felt meanings which flow in this other person, to
the fear or rage or tenderness or confusion or
whatever that he or she is experiencing. It
means temporarily living in the other's life,
moving about delicately without making
Carl Rogers, A Way of Being, Houghton Mifflin, 1995