Ukrainian cuisine

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Ukrainian cuisine
This is a traditional Ukrainian dish that eating at least every day and served
and evenings, and at the wedding. Good soup cooked in the oven not
pryyidavsya, and the next day was even better than the first.
In Polissya soup has long been considered a symbol of family. After all
ingredients mleya in a clay pot, transfer their tastes with each other and are
like one piece. Paying - zbahachuyemos, is not it true philosophy of a strong
Prior to the table - the hostess' zatyrala "soup, ie roztovkuvala kovhantsi in
the fat, salt and garlic.
In a good house soup was served hot, and such that from it a couple go.
Ukrainian believed that it was not just a couple, and the spirits of ancestors
dushechky that went in the other world, and now came to help us. Submit a
guest soup without a pair or has a cold - it was thought for contempt.
In ancient times, the meat in the soup can be found only on major holidays,
because pigs often pricked. When there was no post - put a spoonful of sour
cream and pretty.
Loafs with garlic
A wonderful addition to soup. These little fluffy buns
prepared with rye or wheat dough before serving
necessarily zatovkuyutsya garlic.
How many times have we heard about Russian "donut"
American "donuts" and probably not even aware that
donuts - it is almost the same, only his, native.
Sandwiches with bacon
Luxury in our: sandwiches with strategic product
Hit all seasons, not food. Aesthetically, delicious,
nutritious - let alone.
Crispy golden cracklings - the passion of every Ukrainian!
On the table is always considered a delicacy. Prepared in a pot with onions,
filed mainly to black pudding, potato pancakes and a variety of cereals, or
simply with bread.
Krovyanka long been on the table Ukrainian
Kaszanka (Poland), Boudin noir (France), black pudding
(Scotland) and the great number of other titles show a
passion and not just European nations to blood sausages.
As to the method of preparation frankly: there is a saying "who love sausage and politics should not see how they are
made." But is it a very appetizing appearance with onions
and bacon.
By the way, black pudding - one of the few foods that has
withstood the pressure of religious prohibition of age and
won in a very unequal struggle. Historically, the prohibition
of consumption levels in Ukraine and ignored traditional
national nutritious and healthy food - pudding extant.
Better now sparrow like stuffed cabbage tomorrow.
(Folk proverb)
Dolma named after pigeons - birds that symbolize the creative power
of fire
And really - these are successful, rosy and soft and so themselves in
the mouth and fly. Named this wonderful dish in honor of pigeons,
birds that symbolize the creative power of fire and has long been
considered a symbol of the birth of the world. Without cabbage was
hard to imagine a festive table in a Ukrainian family.
Stuffed cabbage prepared with cabbage leaves nachynyayetsya
mixture of millet (later - rice), meat, shredded carrots, onions and
spices. Most savor with sour cream and rye bread.