Transcript Slide 1

Soyuz Ukrainok Kanadi –
Olga Basarabova Branch – Calgary
Ukrainian Women’s Association of Canada
Soyuz Ukrainok Kanadi
Calgary Branch 2006
As part of a National Organization
The Alberta-BC
Provincial Executive 2008-10
The National Executive 2007-009
The purpose of our organization:
To support,
publish representative facts which portray Ukrainian
heritage and its contributions to Canada
As part of SUS – The Ukrainian
Self Reliance League of Canada
Clergy at the USRL Convention in
Calgary 2003
Clergy and lay at the USRL
Convention – planning together
Soyuz’s primary goal:
to contribute in every way to the continual growth of the
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada (UOCC)
Encourage members to practice and live by
Christian principles as taught by the
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada
Soyuz Ukrainok Kanadi – Calgary Branch sends greetings
to our new Metropolitan of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada
Archbishop Yurij
His Grace
Bishop Ilarion
(Roman Rudnik)
Bishop of
Edmonton and
the Western
In many ways, Soyuz at St. Vlad’s may be perceived as a
women’s auxilliary – performing necessary acts of charity,
Some of
us are
more like
Others are
more like
And at
times we
are both.
Maintain service group relationship
between CYC and UOCC
As lay bodies, both the men’s (TYC)
and women’s (Soyuz –UWAC)
foster a service group relationship with our churchto ensure the continued service of the Sacraments to
the faithful and our community.
Probably our most lasting
legacy will be to:
focus on the education of our
youth in Church Schools,
Sadochok Programs,
Ukrainian Schools, Bilingual
schools, and CYMK Ukrainian Orthodox Youth
You really cannot forget the things you
learned at your mama or baba’s knee.
Moya azbuka
Mama moya liuba
Fellowship for new families
A Mom and Tots program led by Father Tim for
new families building home/church/home
Starting late September 2010
Times TBA
Our fabulous Ukrainian Bilingual Sadochok program –serving our
congregation and Calgary’s Ukrainian community for over 20 years!!
Early Social Skills Groups
A Ukrainian-Bilingual Program
Delivering a quality program –
great teachers with special training from the Alberta Heritage
Language Teachers Training Program
Lucky Sadochok participants learn a lot!!
When did you learn to make kolachee??
Sunday School/Church School
Sunday School/Church School classes begin mid
September 2010
Classes for :
3-4 year olds
4-5 year olds
Grade 1-3 years
Grade 4-6 years
Welcoming volunteer teachers!!!!
Ridna Shkola – a Saturday tradition with programs starting in
mid September 2010 here at St. Vlad’s in our newly renovated
church school rooms.
Ridna Shkola – 2010-2011
A fabulous team of qualified teachers will begin the
ridna shkola program on Saturday, September 25th.
A teen class for language learning too.
Newly stocked with exciting teaching materials,
enthusiasm, and a year long program
Registrations accepted through late September
Conversational Ukrainian Classes
Register now for Adult Conversational Ukrainian
classes – Classes begin September 22, 2010
with excellent teachers – small class sizes –
engaging program and supportive environment.
What is CYMK?
Well, first and
foremost it is the
youth group
that is strongly
connected with
the Ukrainian
Church in
Canada. Simply
put, CYMK’s
priniciples are
faith, culture,
and FUN!
Cultural –Educational Program
Lucky grandchildren learned to
love great homemade specialties.
Many of us learned to dance at
the national/cultural hall
The Canadian Ukrainian Youth Association – Ukrainian
Orthodox Youth at Bar-v-nok for Zustrich 2009
Ivan Bohun Branch of CYMK-UOY
Winners of
Our CYMKivtsi
from Calgary!
At the USRL (SUS) convention during the summer
of 2009, Alberta CYMKivtsi were the largest
contingent, sending many delegates to the
biannual conference. Every 2 years trophies are
awarded to recognize the Jr. and Sr. CYMK
locals that have shown the most initiative and
been most active over the 2 year period. This
conference proved to be an Alberta sweep, with
the Baziuk Trophy for Jr. CYMK being awarded
to the Taras Shevchenko branch in Vegreville,
while the Perepeliuk Trophy for Sr. CYMK was
awarded to the Calgary’s Ivan Bohun branch.
Customs and traditions
Traditional feasts
Customs and celebrations
Children and Youth Programs CYMK
Summer and winter programs at our own camp – the
Western Eparchy Camp – Barvinok at Pigeon Lake – holds
wonderful learning, memories and fun for all.
Soyuz members help to organize
musical recital
handicraft exhibits.
Provincial Convention Saturday October 2
Regular monthly Soyuz meetings
October 2010 ABC Provincial
Financial support St. Vlad’s library
Ukrainian Museum of Canada – Calgary Collection
Calgary Ukrainian Festival
June 2010
Sviatey Mikolay – December 19, 2010
The Art of Pysanka Show – 2009
Calgary Soyuz maintains a gem of a museum in the city of Calgary. It
features our Ukrainian heritage, particularly textiles, decorative eggs, and
artifacts witnessing to the Ukrainian Canadian pioneer immigrant experience.
The fabulous Pysanka Display
School and group tours are available at the Ukrainian
Museum of Canada – Calgary Collection all year.
The minimum size is 15
students. For more than 25
students, the tour is broken
into two groups. It is
expected that adult
volunteers will be provided
by the teacher for younger
Tours must be booked at least
two weeks in advance
Tours last approximately one
Additional activities (such as a
video presentation or our
Discovery Box) can be
arranged when booking
Pysanka workshops cannot be
booked as part of a tour.
Publish and promote
written word and art, culture, politics, and
Financial support for PROMIN, HOLOS, VISNYK
UWAC Projects
Bilingual Publications of the UWAC
A Half Century of Service to the Community
by Natalia Kohuska
A history of UWAC 1926-1976
Ukrainian Canadiana
Articles on twelve topics dealing with Ukrainian art and culture
My Icon Book
Icons written by Vera Lazarowich-Senchuk
Script written by the Committee for Religions Instruction UOCC
More titles in our UWAC library
Feast days of the Orthodox Church
by Very Rev. Dr. Ivan Stus
Ukrainian Embroidery Designs and Stitches
by Nancy R. Ruryk
Essays from the History of Ukrainian Culture, Book I
by Dr. Savella Stechishin and Natalia Kohuska
Selections of Ukrainian Literature
Essays from the History of Ukrainian Culture, Book II
by Serhij Eremenko and Valerian Revutsky
Ukrainian composers, drama, and theatre
And more….
Essays from the History of Ukrainian Culture, Book III
by Ivan Kewan
Ukrainian Fine Arts
The Child's Companion
Text by Lilia Matwijiw Sorokowski
Illustrations by Marika Onufrijchuk Sokulski
A pictoral prayer book explaining important sections of the
In 2010 Soyuz is celebrating our
own magazine - Promin’s 50th!!!
The Provincial Soyuz Executive "Enough" Project involved
distribution of the book Enough and a booklet on Holodomor
published by UCC to 668 Alberta elementary schools.
Thankyou’s from Alberta Schools
Thank you so much for your
generous donation of the
book “Enough”.
I have forwarded the book and
your e-mail to our Library
and it is a welcome addition
to our collection.
Sheila….., Administrative
On behalf of the staff and students
we thank you for sending us the
two books. Our Library Assistant
will catalogue them and they will
become part of the library.
Thank you!!
Susan ….
Principal - …
More thank you notes…
Thank you so much for your generous donation of "Enough" to our
library--beautiful book and wonderful illustrations...the kids
always enjoy Martchenko.
………Elementary, Calgary
And the best reason for this work…
I just wanted to thank you and whoever else played a part in
putting this resource together. I was already familiar with the
book Enough but I didn’t fully appreciate the magnitude, the
impact and the cover-up of the Russian genocide of Ukrainian
people. The Holodomor booklet made that very clear and got
me asking more questions of my Ukrainian friends and
colleagues. They shared some incredible stories of their own
family histories, of which, up until now, I had totally been
ignorant. As I educate my students about Ukraine in grade 3,
Holodomor will definitely be a more poignant area of
study. Thank you for educating me and initiating some very good
dialogue. This is definitely a story that needs to be told.
Sandy……., Principal ………,…….School, Edmonton
A member of the Order of Princess Olha!!
In 2008, Marsha was awarded the Order of
Princess Olha by Ukraine’s President Yushchenko in
recognition of her writings on the Holodomor.
Soyuz actively cooperates with other
ethnic groups through such activities as:
The Orthodox Women’s Retreat - September 17-19
Register now!!
a benevolent, charitable group
Active and material support for
 Calgary Women’s Shelters (4 in number)
 Hygiene Kits for women in need
 Orphanages in Ukraine
 Fundraising to ensure young girls are safe from the
sex trade in Ukraine
 Monetary scholarships to assist high school
graduates in Sokil, Ukraine in further studies
Self determination
for our ancestral homeland-Ukraine
Through our actions as Canadian citizens, we ensure
that information flows through honest, open
dialogue – democracy defended through
responsible world-citizenship.
Promote Canadian citizenship –
democratic institutions
Shortly after the publication of a scathing review of
the international protection of women - The
Natashas: inside the new global sex trade, by
investigative journalist Victor Malarek, the issue was
raised to the Calgary branch of the Canadian
Council of Women. Soyuz in Calgary raised the
issue of the international sexual enslavement of
women, particularly from Eastern Europe, and the
issue gained both provincial and federal attention.
Soyuz’s involvement helped focus political attention!
Soyuz hosted (2005) a very positive, beneficial, informative
Fundraiser , to support programs that protect girls from
predators trafficking in girls - the white slave trade.
our public
about the
young girls
and women
in Ukraine –
our Soyuz
wants to
Women’s Fashion Show and Luncheon
– our 2005 fundraiser !
Our former Soyuz National President ( Ukrainian Women’s
Association of Canada) Mrs. Orysia Sushko recently received the
Order of Canada for her nation building work.
SOYUZ supports positive representation of Ukrainian-Canadiana
in our halls of authority – council members, MP’s and MLA’s.
Many of our
officials had
their start in
programs such
as the
religious and
groups our
Good fellowship for all members
A grateful and heartfelt thank you
to all the generous individuals, who have
supported SOYUZ UKRAINOK – The
Ukrainian Women’s Association of
Canada – Calgary Branch !
Сердечно дякуємо всім тим особам,
котрі нас щедро підтримували !
SOYUZ is a non-profit educational
cultural organization.
The services provided to and for members are
volunteered – so all of us benefit when each of us
take a small role in building a thriving community
that supports the dreams we have for our children
and grandchildren!!
Leaders, followers, short projects, long term vision,
each of us has a gift to share – the gift of the Holy
Spirit – God’s work through us – for us.
It’s time to join in, participate and support a growing community
of love for church, culture and family!!!