Leadership through Good Stewardship

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Leadership in the Non-Profit Sector
Ukrainian Homestead – Lehighton, Pennsylvania, USA
March 8-10, 2013
Alexander Prociuk, ODWU President
Background & Update
UNF Basic Facts
• UNF founded 1932
• Active in 12 cities from British Columbia to
Quebec & governed by 24 member national
• Affiliated Organizations
– Ukrainian War Veterans Association 1929
– Ukrainian Women’s Organization of O. Basarab 1930
– Ukrainian National Youth Federation of Canada 1934
– UNF Foundation & Ukrainian Weekly New Pathway
Current Projects/Works in Progress
• Launch of Paul Yuzyk Intitute for Youth
Leadership (2009)
• Ridna Shkola Initiative
• Summer Student Employment Projects
• Strengthening Ties with International
Affiliated Organizations (IAO) & Ukraine
• Strengthening involvement in umbrella bodies
we helped found: World Congress of
Ukrainians & Ukrainian Canadian Congress
Paul Yuzyk Institute
The Election Process
New Delegate Program Ukr. Cnd . Congress
Ottawa Parliamentary Program – piloted 2012
New Programs in Development
– History of Ukrainian Dance in Canada (Winnipeg)
– Ukrainian Communities in Western Europe (UK,
France, Spain/Portugal)
– Ukrainian Canadian Parliamentary Internship
Program (Ottawa)
Leadership through Good Stewardship
Taras Pidzamecky,
UNF Immediate Past National President
What is Stewardship?
• Answers vary depending on whom you ask
• Sometimes used in the context of a religious
or environmental organization
• Academic literature shows a small industry
built around making it mean one thing or
another – example: as a synonym for
decentralized decision-making in international
Excerpts from Wikipedia
Stewardship is the ethic or an entity that
embodies the responsible planning and
management of resources.
Stewardship is now generally recognized as
the acceptance or assignment of
responsibility to shepherd and safeguard the
valuables of others.
Parable of the Talents
Stewardship in the Religious Context
• ‘Lord, you delivered to me five talents. Behold,
I have gained another five talents besides
them.’ "His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good
and faithful servant. You have been faithful
over a few things, I will set you over many
things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’
Matthew 14-30
Parable of the Talents Stewardship in
the Religious Context
• He also who had received the one talent came
forward, saying, ‘Master, I knew you to be a
hard man...., so I was afraid, and I went and hid
your talent in the ground. Here you have what is
yours.’ 26 But his master answered him, ‘You
wicked and slothful servant! ....cast the
worthless servant into the outer darkness. In
that place there will be weeping and gnashing
of teeth.’
What is Stewardship
“Man has responsibility, not power.”
Tuscarora Proverb
What is Stewardship?
“I believe that every right implies a
responsibility; every opportunity an
obligation; every possession a duty.”
John D. Rockefeller, Jr. (1874-1960);
Oil Magnate, Philanthropist
Organizational Leadership
through Stewardship
An awareness that
• You don’t own organization
• You have been entrusted to care for & sustain
– It’s ideals or values
– Members (human reasources)
– It’s assets
• You are accountable
A Stewardship-Focused Leader
Awareness that you are not the owner
• You share decision making and are responsible that there
is a good decision-making process in place
• If you have the best idea/position, you must be focused
on how to motivate and bring people on side
• You thinking about the good of the organization as a
whole - not about one’s self interest or that of a particular
group or clique
A Stewardship-Focused Leader
Awareness that you are entrusted with
• Ideals and values
• Have to make an effort to understand what they are, how they
evolved, and how to adapt them –
obligation to know what was
passed on to you
• Not just a matter of starting off
with your uninformed self
• Nor abandoning values based on
consumeristic approach of satisfying member wants – principled
organizations are not auto clubs
A Stewardship-Focused Leader
Awareness that you are entrusted with
• Members (human
• You have an obligation to lead
and motivate them
• Ensure that you are developing
your members to take on new
roles and responsibilities,
interact constructively, provide
• Today’s program therefore
includes volunteer development
an managing organizational
A Stewardship-Focused Leader
Awareness that you are entrusted with
• Assets
• Knowing what they are
• Ensuring
– they are safeguarded
– used for good of the organization
– not wasted or misdirected for
personal benefit of any individual
• Doesn’t just happen by assuming
good will of members
• Today’s sessions on managing
conflicts of interest and audit
Volunteer Development: Building
Community Ties
Elissa M. Garofalo,
President/Executive Director
Delaware & Lehigh National Heritage
Corridor, Inc.
Workshop/Break Out Sessions
Dr. Paula Holoviak, Kutztown University
MPA Program Coordinator
Nonprofit Organizaitonal Leadership
Development – Branding Your
Managing Organizational Culture
Natalia Witiuk, MBA
UNF National Board
KPMG Advisory Services
Luncheon Guest Speaker
Andrij Dobriansky, New York
The October 2012 Ukraine Parliamentary
Elections: An Observer’s Perspective
Nuts and Bolts Roundtable
Financial Control and Role of Audit
Dan Cherkas, C.A., Past UNF Treasurer
Developing a Conflict of Interest Policy
Bohdan Diakow, UNF National VP
Special Guest Speaker
Iryna Balan, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Vasile Avramenko Researcher,
Curator of Taras Shevchenko Foundation
Avramenko Exhibit