Association for Physical Education, Primary Sport

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PE & School Sport Premium
New PE Subject Leadership
Qualifications for Primary
Simon Leach
PE & School Sport
• £150 million ‘ring fenced’ in each of the next three
academic years to support delivery of PE and sport
in primary schools
Which Schools are Eligible?
• All maintained and state-funded schools with
primary phase pupils, including: primary, middle,
special and non-maintained special schools,
academies and pupil referral units
How much do you get?
• All schools with primary-aged pupils (511yrs) will receive a lump sum of £8,000
plus a premium of £5 per pupil, per annum.
Smaller schools will receive £500 per pupil.
• An average primary school with 250 pupils
will receive £9,250 per year.
Self Review & Plan
• Consider the overall PE and sport provision across
the school with respect to ALL pupils
• Utilise the afPE Quality Mark & YST Review Tools to
help you
• Work collaboratively, or in clusters
• Ensure that you can evidence the impact
• Be accountable for the spend = Ofsted
How can the funding be
It is up to schools to determine how best to use this additional funding.
Examples include:
 Hiring specialist PE teachers or qualified sports coaches to work
alongside primary teachers when teaching PE
 Paying for professional development opportunities in PE/sport
 Providing cover to release primary teachers for professional
development in PE/sport
 Running sport competitions, or increasing participation in the school
 Purchasing specialist equipment and high quality teaching resources
 Providing places for pupils on after school sport clubs and holiday
Ofsted – Section 5
• From 1 September 2013, inspectors will
assess and report on how effectively this
new funding is being used to improve PE
and sport provision when making the
judgement on the quality of the school’s
leadership and management.
• Ofsted will also survey selected schools and
report in early autumn on the impact of the
additional funding.
The Bottom Line…
Use the funding to create a
sustainable legacy which will
impact on ALL children &
young people!
Level 5/6 Qualifications: Primary
School Specialism and Subject
Leadership in PE & School Sport
What are the qualifications?
• Level 5 Certificate in Primary School
Physical Education Specialism
• Level 6 Award in Primary School
Physical Education Subject Leadership
Who are they aimed at?
Level 5: Designed to assist in raising
education – Aimed at Teachers & TA’s
Level 6: Will allow primary school
teachers to take the lead in delivering
sustainable high quality primary school
physical education.
***Must have QTS*** to do Level 6
Points to Note
• Vocational – 8 Days ‘out of school’ over the
duration of level 5/6
• Duration: 1-3 Years
• Cost: £1100 for the Level 5 & 6
• Less than 4% of the total PE & Sport
• Where can you do it? Locally! Active Dorset
• When? 21st March & 20th June
Speak to me at the network table or the
afPE stand
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 01905 855 584
Ofsted 2012