Hindi 1 - Class 11: lesson 6a

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Transcript Hindi 1 - Class 11: lesson 6a

Hindi1: lesson 6a
क्या प्रीटी रानी से सुंदर है?
Is Preeti more beautiful that Rani?
खेल-सामान्या ज्ञान (जेनरल नॉलेज)
• Go round the class asking people if they
know a general knowledge question. i.e.
• क्या आपको मालूम है कक फ़ीजी क़ी राजधानी का
नाम क्या है?
Do you know the name of the capital of
Fiji? Make a note of how many people
know your fact, and the wrong answers
you get.
• Then we will share our findings with the
class and learn some सामान्या ज्ञान.
शाहरूख अममताभ से खूबसूरत है
Shahrukh is handsomer than Amitabh
• से (‘than’) after one term you are comparing
another term to makes a comparison in Hindi.
(NB the adj. agrees with noun not followed by से)
जॉन अब्राहम सबसे सुंदर है
John Abraham is the handsomest
• सबसे after a term you want to qualify
means that it is the ‘most [adjective]’
(always include an adjective)
खेल - चाय कॉफ़ी से अच्छी है
Activity – Tea is better than coffee.
• Write down sentences comparing these pairs,
change adjectives where needed
• शाहरुख खााँ - सनील दत्त, (सुंदर)
• ससगापर – मलेमशया (बडा)
• महन्दी भाषा - चीनी भाषा (ममककल)
• टोयोटा - बीएमडब्लयू (महाँगा)
• Basic formula: X Y से adj. है etc.
• राम रमेश से लम्बा है। Ram is taller than Ramesh
Adjective agreement
राम सीता से लम्बा है
Ram is taller than Sita.
सीता राम से लम्बी है
Sita is taller than Ram.
राधा सबसे लम्बी है
Radha is the tallest.
खेल – ककसका घर सबसे दूर है?
Whose house is most far?
• Lets get into a line where the person
whose house is most far away is at one
end and the nearest at the other.
• Make a long line ask your neighbour
• क्या आपका घर मेरे घर से ज़्यादा दूर है?
Is your house further than my house?
• Then if it is swap places until we sorted.
कौन-सा which?
• कौन-सा means ‘which?’ (out of a range of
possible choices).
• It behaves like an adjective that changes
• कौन-सा रुं ग which colour (ms.)
• कौन-सी ककताब which book (fs. & fp.)
• कौन-से गाने which songs (mp.)
• postpositions also influence agreement
• कौन-से कमरे में in which room? (mp. oblique)
खेल - आपको कौन-सा रुं ग पसुंद है?
• Move around the class asking the question
above. It means ‘Which colour do you like?’
People should reply by saying.
• मझको लाल रुं ग पसुंद है। I like red colour. etc.
• Then we will share with the class some
information about who likes which colour.
के सरी
सफे द
थोडा, छोटा, कम, little, small, less
• मेरे पास थोडा पैसा है।
I have a little money. - थोडा, little (quantity)
• मेरे पास एक छोटी गाडी है।
I have a small car. - छोटा, small (size)
• मझको कम चीनी चामहए।
I want less sugar. - कम, less (relatively)
• NB English muddles up little, small, less
मझे कम खाना चामहए I want less food
• How do you write you want smaller
size/quantity/less of these things? (NB
only use कम with one item from the list)
• चावल
• थाली (i.e. plate of food)
• चाय (adj. agrees with प्याला/कप nm.)
• चीनी
• We will share some of our sentences.
कछ और कोई Some
• आपक़ी जेब में कछ है?
Do you have something in your pocket?
• मेरी जेब में कछ पैसा है।
I have some money in my pocket.
• तम्हारे कमरे में कोई है ?
Is there somebody in your room?
• नहीं, लेककन रसोईघर में कोई औरत है।
• No, but there is some woman in the kitchen.
• NB कछ नहीं nothing, कोई नहीं nobody
आपके झोले में कछ है?
Do you have something in your bag?
• Move around the class asking each other
if they have something in their bag on the
model above (if no bag use जेब nf. pocket)
• At the end we will ask you some questions
about who had what.
• NB कोई takes the form ककसी before a ppn.
So we will ask questions like:
• क्या ककसी के झोले में छतरी थी?
मेलबोनन में सबसे अच्छा ....
The best … in Melbourne is…
• Work in groups of four/five
• Create a top ten list about
Melbourne, i.e. what’s the
best restaurant, shopping
centre, cinema, park,
(football team?) etc.
• Write your list down
• We will share with class our
top ten lists