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Industrial Revolution
Slide Notes
Pre-Industrial Society
In this slide we see the painting Harvest Scene depicting preindustrial village life. Men, women and children worked
together in the fields around the village parish and take their
food and drink out in the fields during the workday.
Pre-Industrial Society
• Villages feed themselves (subsistence
• 1 of 3 fields left empty to regain fertility
• Land use was inefficient
• Farmers didn’t experience with new
farming methods.
• Population was growing-more food was
Agricultural Revolution
In this slide we see a manor surrounded by fields showing the rotation of four crops:
barley, clover, turnips and wheat. Before crop rotation was discovered, two of the
four fields were left fallow to regain fertility, a very inefficient use of land.
Agricultural Revolution
• Enclosure Movement (fencing
off of public lands)
• Crop Rotation
• Introduction of the Seed Drill.
• New Crops: Corn and Potato
Results of the Agricultural
•Food Production
•Population Increased
The Cottage Industry and Early Capitalism
In this slide we see a painting of a cottage industry scene from
Ireland in 1783. The women here are spinning, reeling with a
clock-reel, and boiling yarn to prepare it to be woven into cloth.
The Cottage Industry
• Families take raw materials and
manufacture goods at home.
• Cottage Industry is an example of
early Capitalism.
• Capitalism is an economic system
based on private ownership, free
competition and profit.
Capitalism vs Communism
• Private
• Competition
• Incentives for
the workers
• Best product at
the lowest price
• Public
• No Competition
• No Incentive for
• Equality
Capitalism (USA)-Communism (China)
The Textile Industry and Factory System
In this slide we see workers at the mule-spinning machines
making cotton cloth in an English textile mill in 1834. The
woman to the right is re-tying a broken thread, while the child
inside the machine is cleaning up bits of cotton that have fallen
Rise of the Factory
• Cottage industry could not keep up with
the demand.
• New inventions: Spinning Jenny, Water
Frame, Power Loom and Cotton Gin.
• New machines were too large for homes.
• Factories located near power sources:
coal, iron and water.
The Factory System
• Workers and Machines together
in one place to produce a
Effects of Textile Production
• Prices of mass-produced textiles
were lower than hand-produced
• Britain’s textile industry increased.
• Majority of villagers were forced to
leave to find work in urban factories.
The Steam Engine:
Energy for the Industrial Revolution
In this slide we see a painting done around 1820 of one of James
Watt's steam pumping engines at the pit head of an English coal
mine in the 1790's. The steam engine pumped water out of the
mines, reducing the danger of underground flooding.
The Steam Engine
• Early factories relied on horsed,
oxen and water mills.
• The steam engine evolved in
response to the increasing need for
• Steam power, used where ever coal
existed, increased textile production.
James Watt & his Steam Engine
Need for Iron and Coal
• Farming tools • Carbon
necessary for
• New
smelting iron
• Steam engines
• Railways
powered by
Iron and Coal:
Energy for the Industrial Revolution
In this slide we see a painting of men pouring steel bars at an
iron works factory in at Copenhagen, Denmark in 1885.
Effects of Iron and Coal
• Britain produced more iron
than all other countries in the
world combined.
• Coal powered Britain’s
enormous navy.
In this slide we George Stephenson's Rocket winning the
Manchester-Liverpool race in Britain in 1829. The first steam
locomotive in England, the Rocket traveled at 29 miles per
• Increase in production led to a need
to transport goods quickly and
• Improvement in roads (stone and
asphalt) and canals improved
• The Rocket (1829) improved the
transportation of goods and people.
Advances In Transportation
Why Britain……...
….Led the Way!
• Natural resources: Coal and Iron.
• Government encouraged trade.
• Colonial empire supplied raw
materials and provided markets for
• No competition with other countries.
• Merchants had $ to invest.