Millennium development goal #7c “ To reduce by 50

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Transcript Millennium development goal #7c “ To reduce by 50

Unsafe drinking water
& inadequate sanitation
The world’s gravest
and most solvable
public health crisis.
Foundation Dinner, March 24, 2011
Millennium development goal #7c
“ To reduce by 50% the number
of people without access to
clean water and sanitation
by the year 2015”
1.2 billion people practice
“open defecation”
including more than 1/2
of people in southern Asia
and more than 1/4 of
sub-Saharan Africa
In developing nations
nearly 1 in 4 people uses
no form of sanitation.
November 22, 2011 – UNITED Nations Children’s
Education Fund (UNICEF) chief, water, sanitation, and
hygiene education section, Mr. Vinod Alkari, said that
Nigeria loses N455 billion annually or 1.3% of its Gross
Domestic Product (GDP) due to poor sanitation.
Similarly, he added that 33 million people defecate in
the open, while only 1/3 of the country’s population
have access to improved sanitation, with high
morbidity as direct consequences.
The Rotary Foundation’s areas of focus:
• Polio Eradication
• Basic education and literacy
• Disease prevention and treatment
• Maternal and child health
• Economic and community development
• Peace & Conflict resolution
• Water & Sanitation
Did you know that about 50%
of these projects fail after 5 years?
Biggest Challenges:
• No system for learning model practices.
• We don’t know what each of us is doing.
• No easy way to capture lessons learned and share
knowledge with each other.
Start with Water is designed to help Rotarians
build sustainable WASH projects.
Regional Teams
Program Planning and Performance (PPP teams)
“Endorsed” programs
Alternative sources of funding (in addition to TRF)
An interactive website:
– Easy to identify and select the project that is right for you
– A learning center and resource
– Experts available to help
– Access to Strategic Partners
– Gather data and lessons learned
Sustainability is about whether or not WASH services
and good hygiene practices continue to work and
deliver benefits over time.
No time limit is set on those continued services,
behaviour changes and outcomes.
In other words, sustainability is about lasting benefits
achieved through the continued enjoyment of water
supply and sanitation services and hygiene practices.
From Sustainability Framework 2011, WaterAid, based on definition by Len Abrams
What Makes a Program Sustainable?
• Relevant program resulting in full user participation
• AT – selected by users
• Contribution by users
• Quality work
• Plan for life cycle cost – maintenance, repair,
replacement cost (with needs of poorest considered)
• Environmental considerations
• Monitoring & evaluation
• External support
• Start first with community engagement –
education, build demand, figure out process:
WASH committee
• find out what the communities want, how life
cycle costs might be handled, opportunities for
small business, training
• Examine all options, work with communities to
develop plans, make decisions
• train and implement
• Jointly develop a monitoring and evaluation plan
Welcome to the Niger River Delta
PPP Team Trip: September 2011
Dodo River
Malawi Girls School
$1 from Rotary Club matched by $4.26 from partners
Full WASH program in 30 schools
(15 in Malawi, and 15 in Tanzania)
What does all this mean for D9140?
• Regional Team volunteers (Leader: Noble Eshemitan)
Gather information on what has been done in recent years
What is still functioning properly & what needs remedial work
What can we learn from this?
What programs are being developed now
Where do we want to go in the future?
• Program Planning and Performance (PPP) volunteers
• Opportunity to pilot PPP process:
– Identifying program opportunity: watershed, or logical geographic area
– volunteers
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