paper-based testing

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Welcome to PARCC Field
Test Training!
Presented by the PARCC Field Test Team
1. Overview
– Participating schools
– Paper and online
– Grades and test sessions
2. Proctoring the test
– Calculator
– Testing accommodations
– Testing Protocols
3. Preparing your school
– Resources
– The PearsonAccess
– Sample Test Items for
1. Overview
• This year, we are running a Field Test of the
PARCC exam, to prepare us for full-scale
testing in the future.
– Approximately 11% of our students will be tested.
– 47 schools will be doing online testing.
– 17 schools will be doing paper testing.
– Students nor schools will receive scores.
– Purposes of field test:
• To test the reliability of the items.
• To test readiness and help prepare for future online
testing on a mass scale.
Overview: Schedule and Subjects
• Schools testing PBA (Performance-Based
Assessment) will test:
– March 24 – April 25
• Schools testing EOY (End of Year) will test
– May 5 – May 21
• Schools who are testing both PBA and EOY
– PBA Assessment is March 24 – April 11
– EOY Assessment is May 5 – May 21
• The tested subjects are Math and/or English
Language Arts (ELA).
Overview: Roles
• There is one Test Coordinator per school.
• That person oversees the Test Administrators.
– There should be one Test Administrator per test
• A Test Administrator may be assisted by Proctors.
• All Test Administrators and Proctors must be
trained prior to administering or monitoring a
testing session.
• See the Test Coordinator manuals on
PearsonAccess for more detailed definitions and
descriptions of who may serve in those roles.
Key Responsibilities of
Field Test Coordinator
• Be familiar with relevant manuals
• Establish and communicate test schedule
• Develop Security Plan, including Chain-of-Custody
• Develop Training Plan
• Plan ahead to provide accommodations for those who
are permitted to use them
• Meet with Test Administrators & meet with students
• Confirm necessary test materials are available
• Securely destroy test materials as detailed in
Coordinator’s manual
Overview: Test sessions
• Each participating class will need to take the test
over two or three Sessions per subject.
– A single session will have a total time of 60 to 120
minutes depending on the class and session.
– Extended time beyond the allotted session time is
permitted for students with that accommodation.
– Allow for
• Each session must be done within one day.
– Two sessions of a test may be done within one day,
but not three in one day.
• All students within the same grade level and
subject must test on the same day.
Overview: Test sessions
• Example: The third grade ELA test has three
PBA sessions and two EOY sessions.
– See the Test Coordinator Manual for Paper-based
Testing for all grades.
– The amount of time allotted for each test session
consists of Session Time and Additional Time
– The total Field Test time includes any individual
interruptions (e.g., bathroom breaks).
Guidelines for Session Times
2. Proctoring the test.
Testing accommodations
Security Protocols
Testing Protocols
• Tests for grades 3-5 do not involve use of a
• All other grades have a “calculator part” of the
math test, in which a calculator may be used.
– Grades 6, 7: Four-function calculator with square
– Grade 8: Scientific calculator
– High school: Graphing calculator consistent with
the TI-84.
Calculators and accommodations
• Accommodations on IEP’s, 504’s, and ELL’s require
selection during student test registration.
• Appendix G of the Coordinator’s manual, and
Appendix D of the Administrator’s manual list
accessibility features and accommodations and
content area and tests permitted.
• Accommodations that have been used must be
indicated on the student registration record.
• Is an Accessibility Feature for math.
• Or Accommodation for ELA/Literacy
• A test administrator giving a Read-Aloud will
need a Proctor Authorization Ticket in order to
access the test administrator copy of the test.
Accommodations Documentation
• There is much information on accessibility and
accommodations in the manuals and training
modules at PearsonAccess.
– Test Coordinator Manual, Appendix G
– Test Administrator Manual, Appendix D
– Accessibility Features and Accommodations
Training Module
Security Protocols
• All staff involved in testing must sign security
agreement and kept for 3 years.
• Distribute and collect materials from Test
• Implement a Chain-of-Custody plan which
ensures that test materials are accounted for
before, during, and after the test administration.
Paper-Based Test Materials
Test Booklets
Answer Documents (grades 4–high school)
Vendor-supplied Rulers and Protractors
Vendor-supplied Mathematics Reference
• Scratch Paper
• Calculators – where permitted in Math tests
Contaminated/Damaged Materials
Testing Protocols
• Sessions must be administered in order.
• Schedule sessions for entire allotted time.
• Students who finish early may read or do
classwork that is unrelated to test content.
• Student may not leave test room if finish early.
• Bathroom breaks permitted, one at a time.
• At discretion of test administrator, permitted ONE
class break up to 3 minutes.
• No student may go onto next session before all
students in session have completed the session.
• Test protocol breaches are reported to the test
coordinator, who then contacts Cindy.
More Testing Protocols
• Test Administrator must actively proctor at all times
• Prohibited Materials during testing:
– Materials that define, explain, or illustrate terms in the
subject area tested
– Graphic organizers
– Word lists
– Number lines
– Math charts, including those with formulas (a math
reference sheet is supplied with the test)
– Definitions
– Cell phones or music devices
Post-test protocols
• ID Labels
• etc.
Field Test Survey
• ID Labels
• etc.
3. Preparing Your School
• Training of your Test Administrators should
consist of:
– Their reading of the Test Administrator manual
(online or paper).
– Viewing the relevant training sessions on the
PearsonAccess website.
– Having their students go through sample items.
• Relevant documentation can be found at the
PearsonAccess Website using the Support Tab:
– Pearson Access User Guide
– Test Coordinator Manual for Paper-Based Testing
– Test Administrator Manual for Paper-Based Testing
– Accessibility Features and Accommodations
Training Module
The PearsonAccess Website
– Go to, and choose PARCC in the dropdown menu.
The PearsonAccess Website
– For documentation and training, use the relevant links in the
Support tab,
The PearsonAccess Website
• The PearsonAccess website has two sections
for which you need distinct accounts to enter.
– Training site: Here is where you set up an
Infrastructure Trial.
– Home: Also called the Live, or Development site.
Here is where you register Field Test.
The PearsonAccess Website
– To run an infrastructure trial, you need an account on the
Training side of the website.
The PearsonAccess Website
– To run the Field Test, you need an account on the Live, or
Development side of the website.
Sample Test Items
• It is recommended that each school allow
participating students to become familiar with
the nature of the test by viewing Sample Items.
– If done, must be done at least one day before the test.
• These are available at
• Follow the links to the relevant grade level and
Sample Test Items
• If you show students the sample items, you
may help a student see how answers are
• During the test, you will not be allowed to
help a student enter answers.
4. Any questions?
• Thanks for being here, and for your past,
present, and future work!