Performance Review - Diocese of Chester

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Transcript Performance Review - Diocese of Chester

Getting it Right – Volunteers & Employment

Liz Geddes Director of Human Resources Diocese of Chester [email protected]

01928 718834 Extn 240


• Best practice • Look to get it right on future occasions • Undertake risk assessment on current situations • Verbal contracts exist in the absence of written contracts or agreements

Resource available

• Just Employment document • Funded by the Church Urban Fund • Written on behalf of the Dioceses of Chester, Liverpool and Manchester • Available via Cufx website (suggested donation) • Available via Diocesan website – HR section (free of charge)

Establish type of worker

• Employee on a Contract of Employment • Self-employed worker on Contract for Services • Volunteer

Employee vs Self Employed

• Not the worker’s choice!

• Responsibility for Tax and National Insurance contributions • Employee benefits & statutory provisions – paid holiday, eligible for sick pay, maternity, paternity, adoption and family emergency benefits, right to apply to an employment tribunal

Employee test

• Control – who makes the decisions?

• Organisation test – extent that the person is integrated into the organisation • Equipment – does the employee provide their own equipment?

• Service / person – can the service be sub contracted?

• See Inland Revenue website for interactive guide – ESI tool


• Should be employees as default position • Recent Case law • Use RSCM contract template – can be downloaded from website (for a fee)


• Recruitment in accordance with Equal Opportunities policy – process should be fair and transparent • Occupational Requirement – is it determining and proportionate? Employment Equality (Religion & Belief) Regulations 2003 (subsequently amended) • Responsibility of PCC as employer • Formal paperwork • Not a Trustee

Paperwork & Documents

• Contract of Employment • Job Description • Person Specification • Policies • Suggested templates available from diocese & via Just Employment • Payroll – comply with RTI (Real Time Information)


• Essential to the operation of many charities and projects • Give their time freely • Status – not employees • Relationship should be non-contractual • Receive re-imbursement of expenses

Volunteer Policy

• Introduction / Aims of the project • Ethos • Recruitment • Volunteer roles & responsibilities • Expenses • Induction & training • Supporting & supervising volunteers • Insurance and Health & Safety • Equal Opportunities • Confidentiality

Paperwork & Documents

• Non-contractual language • Set boundaries • Determines expectations • Defines commitment required • Volunteer role description • Person specification • Volunteer agreement


• Disclosure & Barring service checks (DBS) offered free of charge for voluntary positions • NB. Do NOT offer a position subject to a clear DBS Disclosure • References • Trial period

Expenses for volunteers

• Genuinely incurred • Necessary for the work • Wholly for the work • Adequately documented • Type of expenditure allowed free of tax by the Inland Revenue

Getting it wrong!

• £££££££ • Stress • Time consuming • Adverse publicity • Effect on Church Family members • Help available from Ecclesiastical Insurance Group

Any questions?