Transcript ch8

Ch8. Models of urban structure and the
internal structure of cities- case study
1. Location
2. Urban process- the evolution of urban
~ it includes 7 stages
3. Urban population distribution
4. Dynamic forces in city development
~ Centrifugal forces (push factors)
~ Centripetal forces (pull factors)
Internal Structure of a city – Sydney
1. General description
2. Central Business Districts
~ Introduction
~ characteristic of a CBD
~ Vertical variations in rents and uses
~ Small residential population
~ Traffic congestion
~ few manufacturing industries
~ Dynamic and changing nature
3. Specialized areas in the CBD
1. Service-finance-office zone
2. The administrative area
3. The retailing area
4. Warehousing and manufacturing
5. The entertainment area
6. Residential area
7. Open spaces
The zones in transition
Basic characteristics
~ this is an urban zone which commonly
adjoins the CBD and is undergoing
change, changing from a residential
function to functions associated with the
~ sectors in the transitional zone
~ Delimiting the zone in Transition
The residential areas
Inner residential areas
Suburban residential areas
Reasons for the development of the urban
Characteristics of suburban low density
Manufacturing zone
~ older industrial areas
~ newer industrial districts
Shopping centres
~ a hierarchy of retail business districts
~ the selection of a retail site
Hypermarkets (regional shopping centres)
~ carefully planned
~ out of town
~ provide a wide range of goods and services
~ a single complex serving a population of 250000
or more
~ Large car parks
~ serves only mobile and affluent population who
are able to drive and can afford bulk purchases
Other urban functions
The other urban function,which complete
the land use pattern of Sydney are :
The port zone has been developed
around Botany Bay, whilst parts of the old
port near the CBD have been abandoned
Transport routes
Military land use
Recreational reserves
Hong Kong
1. Location,spacing and size
~ locational advantages
~ Sizes and spacing of settlements
2. Functions
~ Communication functions
~ Economic functions
~ Other functions
3. Urban population densities
High population density
Variations in population densities
4. Urban land rents
Away from CBD
Local peaks of high land values
Industrial districts
Public housing estates and squatter areas
5. Urban land use zones in Hong Kong
1. Characteristics
2. Central Business District (CBD)
3. Retailing zones
4. Manufacturing zone
5. Residential areas
6. zones in transition
7. Rural-urban fringe/ suburbs
6. Models of urban structure
~ burgess’s concentric model
~ hoyt’s sector model
Application of Burgess,and Hoyt’s model
to Hong Kong
Harris and Ullman’s multiple nuclei model