The Electoral College

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The Electoral College
Senior Seminar
Mrs. Civitella
1. Why does the U.S. have the
Electoral College system?
The framers of the Constitution created the
system as a compromise after considering
election of the president by Congress, election
by the state legislatures, and election by the
people (popular vote). Some historians
believe that the framers were concerned
about having the president elected directly by
the people.
2. Who are the electors. How are
they chosen in your state?
Electors are often loyal party activists, state
party leaders, and state officials.
In Pennsylvania, the campaigns choose their
own electors. The only real things that can
disqualify you from being an elector are
holding a federal office or having engaged in
some sort of insurrection against the U.S.
3. What do the electors actually do?
Can they vote any way they wish?
The electors gather in their state capitals on the
Monday following the second Wednesday in
December. They cast one vote for president
and one for vice president. No federal law
binds electors although some states do have
such laws that have never been enforced. So,
electors can vote any way they wish, although
they have rarely gone against the popular
4. How many electoral votes are there?
How are they divided among the states?
There are 538 electoral votes total. Each state
receives the number of electors equal to the
total number of Senators and Representative
in Congress it has. The District of Columbia
also receives 3 electoral votes. Most states
use a winner-take-all system: the candidate
that wins the popular vote gets all of the
state’s electoral votes. Maine and Nebraska
allocate their electoral votes proportionally.
5. How many electoral votes are needed to
win? What if no candidate receives a
majority? Has this ever happened?
• 270 votes are needed to win. If no candidate
receives a majority, the House of
Representatives selects the president from the
top three candidates and the Senate selects
the Vice President. Each state gets one vote.
This happened in 1800 and 1824.
6. How often have the results of the
Electoral College differed from the popular
Three times: 1876, 1888, 2000
1876- Hayes vs. Tilden
1888- Benjamin Harrison vs. Grover Cleveland
2000- Bush vs. Gore
7. What are the PROS of the Electoral
College system? Who favors it? Whom
does it benefit?
• Benefits:
1. Requires a distribution of support
2. Contributes to national unity
3. Protection of minority interests within a given state
4. Encourages a two-party system and two candidates
vs. numerous candidates
5. A two-party system creates national stability since
compromise must occur within parties
6. Gives the states a role in federal elections
What are the CONS of the Electoral College
system? Who does not favor or might like
to change it?
• Cons/concerns:
• Concentration of campaigning in certain states
• Could elect a president who did not win the
popular vote
• Could depress voter turnout
• Over-representation of small/rural states
• Mis-representation of the people’s vote due to
the winner-take-all system
What do you think?
Answer the following in paragraph form:
1. Are you for the electoral college system or do
you think that it should be changed?
2. Explain your answer using at least two
reasons that you find to be the most
3. Why do you believe that the system
continues in our country?