Bone biopsy: left proximal tibia Primary non

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เด็กชายไทย อายุ 12 ปี 3 เดือน
 อาการสาคัญ
 ประวัตป
ิ ั จจุบัน
ปวดหลังมา 2 เดือน
2 เดือน ปวดหลังเป็ นๆหายๆ ไม่ สัมพันธ์ กับท่ าทาง ปวด
มากกลางคืน มีไข้ เป็ นๆหายๆ
1 เดือน มีไข้ สูงขึน้ ไปรพ.จังหวัด ได้ นอนโรงพยาบาล
วินิจฉัยว่ าเป็ นกรวยไตอักเสบ รักษาโดยการฉีดยา อาการไม่
ดีขนึ ้ ยังมีไข้ ปั สสาวะบ่ อย หิวนา้ บ่ อย อ่ อนเพลีย นา้ หนัก
ลดลง 5 กิโลกรัม
ประวัตปิ ั จจุบัน
 ระหว่ าง admit เริ่มอาการปวดบัน้ เอวมากขึน้ เดินได้ ปกติ ไม่ มี
อาการทางระบบประสาท ได้ film T-spine พบมี
collapse T -12 และตรวจเพิ่มเติม
ประวัตปิ ั จจุบัน
 Flim TL spine: compression fracture T12
 PPD skin test: negative
 CT chest: normal
 CT Whole abdomen: hepatosplenomegaly
ประวัตปิ ั จจุบัน
 MRI spine: multiple ring enhancement at
multiple vertebral lesion with pathological
fracture T12
 Bone scan: increased uptake lesions at upper
thoracic spine and all joint
 Bone marrow aspiration: no abnormal cell
 Bone marrow biopsy: reactive hyperplasia
ประวัตปิ ั จจุบัน
 MRI spine: multiple ring enhancement at
multiple vertebral lesion with pathological
fracture T12
 Bone scan: increased uptake lesions at upper
thoracic spine and all joint
 Bone marrow aspiration: no abnormal cell
 Bone marrow biopsy: reactive hyperplasia
ไม่มีโรคประจำตัว ออกกำลังกำยเป็ นประจำ
เรียน ม.1 กำรเรียนดี
ปฏิเสธโรควัณโรค มะเร็ง โรคเลือด ในครอบครัว
Physical Examination
A Thai boy, mild pallor, no jaundice
T 39oc PR112/min RR 20/min BP 120/70 mmHg
• Wt 45 kg Ht 150 cm
• Heart and lungs: normal
• Abdomen: liver 4 cm below RCM mild
tender, spleen 2 cm below LCM
Physical Examination
• Back: no scoliosis, tender along distal
thoracic to lumbar spine
• Extremities: no deformity, no limitation
of movement
• Neuro:
motor power upper extremities V
lower extremities IV
DTR 2+ all
Problem lists and Discussion
Initial investigations
Hb 9.6 g%, Hct 30%, MCV 71.7 fl, MCH 23.1 pg,
MCHC 32.2 g/dL
WCB 10,400/mm3, N 73%, L 16%, M 11%
Plt 435,000/mm3
UA: normal
Anti HIV: negative
Initial investigations (2)
Electrolytes: Na 134, K 3.9, Cl 94, CO2 26.5
Ca 12.7, P 3.8, Mg 1.6 mg/dL
BUN 20, Cr 0.9 mg/dL
LDH: 670 U/L
CRP: 265 mg/L
Initial investigations (3)
Liver function test
AST 55, ALT 27 U/L,
TB 0.6, DB 0.3 mg/dL,
Total protein 78 g/L, albumin 31.5 g/L,
Alkaline phosphatase 212 U/L GGT 85 U/L
Investigation (4)
 Melioid titer: negative
 Hemo c/s: no growth
 PPD skin test: no induration
 Left sided L1 transpedicular biopsy:
Necrotic material with some inflammation
cells, no acid fast bacilli, no fungus
 BMA: normal cellularity, normal maturation
of erythroid, myeloid and megakarycyte, no
abnormal cell
 BM Biopsy:
 normal cellularity 80%, M:E ratio 3:1
 Active trilinear hematopoiesis
 Blast 5% of nucleated cells
 No fibrosis, no granuloma
MRI knee
 Extensive varying-size
Nodular appearing
marrow infiltrating
 Metastatics deposit
 Malignancy process
 Infectious process
CD 20
 Bone biopsy: left proximal tibia
 Primary non-Hodgkin lymphoma of bone, diffuse B
cell lymphoma
 Immunohistochemistry
Sarcomeric actin
positive in large lymphoid cells
positive in large lymphoid cells
negative in large lymphoid cells
negative in large lymphoid cells
positive in histiocytic cells
Chest x-ray
Film spine
Destruction and collapse T12, L4-5 vertebrae
Bone survey
multiple osteolytic lesions
CT chest and abdomen
 mediastinum and intraabdominal
 mild hepatosplenomegaly
 Infiltrative involvement both
kidney, no hydronephrosis
 Multiple osteolytic lesions
including clavicles, scapulars,
head of humerus, whole spines,
pelvic bone and femur
 Primary non-Hodgkin lymphoma of
bone, diffuse B cell lymphoma
 Start chemotherapy Burkitt protocol
 Supportive care
After Treatment
Primary Bone Lymphoma
 Primary bone lymphomas (PBLs) are rare, less than
1% of all malignant lymphomas
 PBLs is defined as a lymphoma that is confined to
bone or BM without evidence of systemic
 2002 WHO classification of tumors of soft tissue
and bone, the criteria for a diagnosis of PBL
 a single skeletal tumor without regional LN
 multiple bone lesions without visceral or LN
Arch Pathol Lab Med Vol 133, November 2009
Primary Bone Lymphoma
 Most are diffuse large B-cell lymphomas
 The middle-aged to elderly population, median age
of 48 yrs
 Common presentation: bone pain and less-frequent
a palpable mass and bone fracture
 Very rarely, paraplegia from compression
 Rarely, hypercalcemia may be present
Arch Pathol Lab Med Vol 133, November 2009
Anatomic Location
 Beal et al reported a series of PBDLBCL that
included 82 patients
 Involvement was femur (27%), pelvis (15%),
tibia/fibula (13%), polyostotic (13%), humerus
(12%), spine (9%), other (5%), mandible (2%),
radius/ulna (1%), scapula (1%), and skull (1%)
 Rarely, small bones of the hands and feet are
involved in PBDLBCL
Arch Pathol Lab Med Vol 133, November 2009
Radiographic Findings
 The metaphysis is the most common site of
occurrence in long bones
 The lesion shows varying areas of sclerosis and
osteolysis, producing a ‘‘moth-eaten’’
Arch Pathol Lab Med Vol 133, November 2009
Case Reports
1. A 13-year-old girl presented with a 6
month history of pain in the lower
thoracic region
Examination and investigations: mass at
right thoracic and pelvic region, osteolytic
Biopsy: lymphoblastic lymphoma, CD20,
CD79 positive
2. A 6-year-old boy, progressive pain left
knee and rapidly, enlarging mass.
Exam and Ix: mass at left knee 5*5 cms,
osteolytic lesion at metaphyseal of distal
Biopsy: burkitt lymphoma, CD19, CD20
Eur J Pediatr 2001,160:239-242
Case Reports (con’t)
 Treatment with B-cell protocol NHL
consecutive blocks of polychemotherapy
 Vincristine, cytarabine, dexamethasone,
doxorubicine, etoposide, cyclophosphamide and
high dose methotrexate with leucovorin rescue
 Complete remission both cases
 Follow up of 24, 18 months respectively,
alive without disease
Eur J Pediatr 2001,160:239-242
Case Reports (con’t)
 PLB, defined localized disease and treat with
local radiation of primary site
 Treatment of adult PLB of RT had 50% overall
long term survival
 Lymphoma in children as systemic disease,
local RT not sufficient
 Pediatric oncology group treatment with multiagent chemotherapy without RT 95% of a 5 year
event-year free rate
Eur J Pediatr 2001,160:239-242