Health and Wellbeing Boards

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Transcript Health and Wellbeing Boards

Avril Imison
LaMPS conference
5 July 2013
Were in Shadow form April 12 – March 13
April 13 forwards; real and have to meet in
Public-fully constituted Council committee
Boards of Commissioners not Commissioning
Strategic Boards-shared vision and principles has
to have an agreed HWB Strategy (using JSNA)
Has responsibilities but no decision making
Memberships of Boards vary
Health Oversight and Scrutiny Committee (HOSC)
are able to comment on HWB activity
Council’s duty to take steps to improve public
SoS’s public health protection or health
improvement functions
Planning and responding to emergencies that
present a public health risk
Role to co-operate with the police, probation and
prison services
Plus anything else the SoS sees fits to delegate
The DPH has to write a Public Health report and
the LA has a responsibility to publish it
DPH is a mandated member of the HWB
Use of the JSNA and PHE data provided to the CCG
and to Councils to inform the production of;
 A Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy
 Updated JSNA
 Pharmaceutical Needs assessment
Plus responsibility
 to increase and develop integration of health and
social care
 to expand joint commissioning
 to ensure Public Engagement; Healthwatch are
members of the Board(community and Vol sector)
and strengthen local accountability
Unusual for Councils as have Councillors and
Officers of the Council working together
Power of Health varies from place to place
according to the number of CCGs
Voting and Quorums also vary
No providers- as it is a grouping of
Director of Public Health mandated position;
PHE say as “honest broker”, not easy- now
also the arbitrators in HCAI disputes
Unlikely that any of us would be a member
Supporting the movement of secondary healthcare services into
community based settings saving over £8 billion in England
Moving towards a healthcare system in which private providers
are able to deliver over 20% of services by 2020
Effectively managing change throughout a period of transition
Working with private sector healthcare companies looking to
obtain community health contracts with local and NHS health
Encouraging alternative providers of health services within the
community setting
Supporting the creation of successful social enterprises within
the health sector
A fundamental shift in the NHS shift towards a personalised
system: Changing the way health services are designed,
commissioned and delivered
as described by Bob Ricketts Director of Strategy and Provider
• The emerging role of health and wellbeing boards as a pivotal
aspect of delivering community health services
• Strengthening working relationships between health and social
care professions
• Encouraging the development of more integrated
commissioning of services
• Effectively implementing statutory functions from April 2013
• The role of local authority members in health and wellbeing
• Encouraging community engagement in community health
services: Ensuring accountability
• Supporting the work of health and wellbeing boards: Building
relationships across the health social care sector to improve
patient outcomes in the community
• As described by a County Council leader and LGA
Know who is on your local Board; chose an appropriate person to
lobby-E.g. councillor or Healthwatch
Councillors are new to the Health agenda
Councils are political and so lobbying and briefing will be
necessary, but watch your relationship with your Commissioners
Health Commissioning is still in the hands of the CCG, so lead
GPs will also need to be lobbied
Ensure you link your subject to the agreed priorities ; HWB
Strategy and the CCG Integrated plan( plus JSNA)
Localism agenda v Competition and AQP
Councils are used to procuring services from the Private and
Voluntary sectors- threat or opportunity
Councils tend to be “poorer” than the NHS and are subject to
greater efficiency savings (CSR minus 10%)- have savings in
mind as ever
New integrated Health and social care plans are the new
requirement- so make friends with your Borough Colleagues
On the Horizon are Integrated Care
organisations (ICO) ; this will definitely affect
your services and your staff
Norman Lamb MP announcement was on
national TV
These organisations will be the mechanism to
save money by integrating H&SC teams to
create savings
There is a national working group looking at
how these will function; Legal status,
operating model ,financing, staffing etc
Go and listen to the HWB in Public
Keep up with and read commissioning
documents for priorities
Lobby when you can, whilst having an eye to
your main commissioners views- use the
One Councillor will have Public health and
HWB in their portfolio
Join in on any developments; ICO’s, Social
enterprises, new developments in pathway