Understanding public health commissioning

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Transcript Understanding public health commissioning

Addiction to Medicines:
Understanding Public Health Commissioning
Beverley Oliver & Corinne Harvey
Regional Managers ,
NTA North East and Yorkshire and Humber and the East Middlands
Slide 1
Workshop Programme 45mins:
5mins: Introductions from facilitators and from work shop
10mins: A short presentation to describe the landscape
including realistic opportunities and threats - Setting the
scene .
30 mins: Small working groups to discuss and raise the
poignant points for discussion - each group to feed back.
5mins: Any further questions and close
Slide 2
Understanding Public Health Commissioning
 Public Health England and the Health and Care System
 Commissioning Process
 Opportunities and Support
 Discussion and Questions
Slide 3
Public Health England
Slide 4
The new health and care system
Local people and communities
Police and Crime
Commissioners could have a
seat. Up to each LA
Undertake JSNA & develop
HWB Strategies setting out
local priorities
The evidence in this
presentation can inform the
JSNA and HWB Strategies.
Health and Well-being Board
Local Authorities
PHE Centres
for publishing
data and
delivery of
Commissioning OF –
set by the NHS CB for
Sets out the indicators
that the PH system &
DH understand are the
best mechanisms to
improve public health.
Up to LAs to prioritise.
Slide 5
Mandate – only means of
holding the CB to account
Secretary of State for Health
Sets out the indicators that the NHS should
seek to achieve through the Mandate objective
of continuous improvement
Commissioning Flowchart
PHE needs assessment data
Local needs
Operational Commissioners
Local Performance
Slide 6
Commissioning Process and the role of voluntary
and statutory providers
ATM services commissioned by local authorities, through Directors of Public
Health - supported by and coordinated through Health & Wellbeing Boards
Stronger together - describes how Health and Wellbeing Boards can work
effectively with local providers is a framework for building health and
wellbeing board and provider engagement
• A strategic, whole system approach – setting out a clear, strategic vision of
how and why providers will be actively engaged in both determining and
delivering the board’s priorities..
• Clarifying the new commissioning landscape – and the benefits of the new
partnerships to local providers and others.
• Involving providers in determining engagement approaches – this
collaboration will foster better understanding, stronger cooperation and
greater enthusiasm for more productive engagement.
Slide 7
Opportunities and Support – Health and
Wellbeing Boards
• Provider-led initiatives – providers themselves have and can devise
effective ways of how they can jointly engage with their health
wellbeing board for mutual benefit.
• Providers as board members – this can be applicable where health
and wellbeing boards have been established as strategic bodies
rather than direct commissioning structures.
• A new kind of board and provider leadership is needed for all
parties to work above their own organisation’s interests for the
benefit of the local health and wellbeing system.
• Different approaches and new skills may be required.
Slide 8
Opportunities and Support – Health and
Wellbeing Boards (continued)
• Provider representation for groups, not single organisations – sitting
on and engaging with health and wellbeing boards can reduce
conflicts of interest, as representation is linked to a group not an
individual provider, and be an effective way of feeding in provider
knowledge and expertise.
• Cooperative working with provider forums – health and wellbeing
boards can engage with various provider forums but, to ensure
proper engagement, partnership rather than consultation will be
required to build collaborative working with providers.
• Sub-groups of the health and wellbeing board – these groups,
made up of commissioners and providers, can be effective at looking
in more detail at a particular theme, care pathway or client group.
Opportunities and Support - Relationships
• There is no statutory seat on the Health and Well-being Boards for
voluntary and community sector representation, nor for specialist
representation for the drug and alcohol sector.
• However, HWBs are being encouraged to involve the VCS in the
development of local strategies. The draft guidance on JSNAs and
JHWSs published by the Department of Health for consultation in
July 2012 explained that the local VCS could be represented on the
HWB, and highlighted the potential for additional members, such
as the VCS, service providers, health and care professionals, and
representatives of criminal justice agencies ‘to bring expert
knowledge to enhance JSNAs and JHWSs’.
Slide 10
Opportunities and Support - Finance
Funding for drug and alcohol misuse treatment:
Drug and alcohol misuse prevention and treatment important part of public health
• 34% of national spend on public health has been on substance misuse - recognised in the
target formula for the public health grants - illustrates significance of the agenda
• Budget is the ring-fenced - but may be other local investment in services and local
authorities will want to explore opportunities to lever in investment from elsewhere.
Activity and performance on drug treatment has had an impact on how much money an
area has received
• LAs required to report spending on an annual basis. There are categories for adult drugs,
adult alcohol and YP drug and alcohol spending. Disinvestment will be very evident
• Drug treatment continues to be a key priority for the government and this is unlikely to
Slide 11
Identifying and presenting ‘Need’ to Commissioners
Where can PHE support?
• NTA’s/PHE JSNA documents
• Evidence base - growing
• To work with local PHE Drug and Alcohol teams in how to inform
and influence planning (who, where, how?)
• Have your input via JSNA (contributing local data/intelligence)
• Support with case studies and local practice examples
• Scope and be aware of what contracts/funding may become
available (ads/tenders primarily but could involve prime provider
and subs, integrated services, etc.)
• Consider working with other providers to prepare joint tenders
where appropriate
• Other solutions such as offering yourself as a sub-contractor
• Keeping in mind other relevant sources of funding: mental health
(CCGs), voluntary sector (LA, charitable trusts, Lottery, companies,
Context: Suite of evidence-based clinical guidance 2007
Any Questions?
Thank you for your time and any questions?
Slide 15