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FISPA Simmering Summer
Service Provider Summit 2012
June 18-20, 2012
Atlanta, GA
Hunter Newby
CEO & Founder - Allied Fiber
Founder – The Dark Fiber Community
FISPA’s Simmering Service Provider Summit in Hotlanta 2012
Current State of the USA & World
• Situation Not Great
– USA – Credit Downgrade, Unemployment, Flat “Growth”
– Europe – Euro Disaster, Austerity, Civil Unrest
– Asia – Mixed; following China verses rest of world
• What We All Need
Productivity! It is not just about jobs
GDP Growth is the Key
What Increases Productivity? Mobility + Broadband
Economic Development! – fueled by an investment in fiber
What America (and Every County) Needs
is a Dark Fiber Plan to address:
- Rural Broadband
- Distributed Cloud
-Wireless Backhaul
The State of Rural Broadband in America
ARRA US Broadband Stimulus:
• Highlighted and proved there is a broadband problem
in America
• Lacked a real Plan
• Failed to solve the issue
The Conclusion:
• There remains a serious need for dark fiber access
to/from tier 3-4 markets to open up the economic
A Solution for Rural Broadband
The State of the Distributed Cloud
• Distributed means – Spread Around
• How can computing be spread around?
• Modular/Container Data Centers
Outside of the major peering points
Load Balancing
Modular - easy to scale
Mobile - easy to shift and locate where
inexpensive / abundant power exist
ALL data centers need access to inexpensive and abundant Power
A Solution for the Distributed Cloud
The State of Mobile/Wireless Network Growth & FTTT
 Verizon has committed to deploying fiber
Ethernet to 90% of the cell sites in its
territory by the end of 2013
 Verizon has connected more than 1000 cell
sites with fiber Ethernet services – as of
Q409 (VZ has 23,000 total cell sites as of
 In 3Q09, AT&T Mobility indicated that it
deployed 100,000 additional cellular
backhaul circuits to deal with the
increased mobile data usage pressure on
its network
Fiber reaches less than
16% of the more than
250,000 cell towers in North
 Those towers are growing
at an average rate of about
18,000 per year
– New Paradigm Resources
Industry Network Growth Projections
- Cisco indicates that North American Mobile Data
Traffic will grow by a CAGR of 129 percent from
2008 to 2013
- Oppenheimer estimates that the number of cell
sites in the U.S. will grow by a CAGR of 4.9
percent from 2008 to 2012 – (from 250,000)
- There needs to be a real network plan to meet
A Solution for Wireless Backhaul
The Dark Fiber Community
-Over 125 Members
-Online directory for network operators, provides information and
contact details for industry-leading vendors as well as the
opportunity to plan one-on-one meetings
- Members include: Equipment Vendors, Infrastructure Builders,
Financing Companies, Carrier Services and Industry Associations
-Website receives over 275,000 page views per month
- Member benefits – inclusion in newsletter, social media, article
placement, press release/industry news coverage, ads, event
Dark Fiber Community Members Include:
To join the Dark Fiber Community, email [email protected]
Thank You
Hunter Newby
Allied Fiber