Reception June 2014

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Transcript Reception June 2014

Welcome To
2014 - 2015
Reception Staff
• There are 8 members of staff in the Reception
cohort – 2 class teachers and 6 Teaching
Assistants. Ratio 1:8
• Our approach to learning means that all the
children come into contact with all staff
throughout the working week
The First Few Days
• We have a staggered intake into Reception to ensure that the children are
happy and confident coming into full-time school
• Each class will come for half a day (morning or afternoon) for the first 4
days in September
• Both classes will come for the morning session Monday and Tuesday of
the 2nd week and stay for lunch (then go home at 12.55pm)
• By the Wednesday of the 2nd week of term, all children will be staying all
• Confirmation of these arrangements is enclosed in your pack
Morning Routine
• The bell goes at 8.45am. Please stay with your child in the yard until they
have gone into class. Please encourage your child to put their lunchboxes
on the racks outside by themselves. This helps them to remember
whether they are dinners or sandwiches that day. When the bell goes, the
children will line up and come into their classrooms via DD’s external
classroom doors
• We encourage the children to be as independent as possible. They will
need to put away their book bags, fruit snack and bottle of water. They
also need to self register by putting their name in the appropriate place on
the board in the corridor
• On wet days, the children can come straight into their classrooms from
8.40. Mrs Evans’ children will need to come in via the nursery area on
these days
Lunch Time Arrangements
• The pupils can either bring their own packed lunch or
can stay for school dinners
• All children eat in the main hall then go outside into
the playground to play
• They will have the opportunity to sample school
dinners for free on the Monday and Tuesday of the
2nd week. We will give you information about this in
• A sample copy of the menu can be found in your
welcome packs
End of Day Arrangements
• Both Reception classes will be dismissed from the
external doors to Reception DD classroom
• It would be a great help if the parents from Rec DD
kept to the left hand side of the doors and Rec VE
parents kept to the right. It can get quite busy (and
confusing for the children) when both classes exit
• Please let us know end of day pick up arrangements
if your child is going with anyone other than parents
(including grandparents)
Breakfast Club and After School
• All pupils can attend the free Breakfast Club
which runs from 8am until 8.50am. However,
they must be registered
• After School Club is run by Miss Helen Reeves
and incurs an additional cost
Fruit, Milk and Water
• Please send a fruit snack into school (as you did in
Nursery) in a clearly named tub. Each classroom has
a fruit box where the children will put their fruit on
• Each child also needs to have a bottle of water
(named) in school – this will go home every day to be
• The children are able to have milk daily – we will
send home a consent form to be completed and
returned to school in September
Book Bags
• It is very useful if your child could bring a book bag to school
to carry their belongings in, and for us to send home letters,
etc in
• We will ask the children to choose a library book and they will
need to have a book bag to keep the book clean and tidy
• Once your child is ready, we will give them a reading book to
bring home in their book bag
PE Kits
• For indoor PE, the children need dark coloured
shorts (not leggings) and a white t shirt
• Our days for PE will be confirmed in September
• The children will also develop their physical skills
through our outdoor learning activities
Cornerstones Topic Work
• Topic and language work is carried out in
small groups led by an adult during
Cornerstones sessions 5 times a week.
• We have 4 learning areas (2 classrooms,
the creative room and the outdoor areas)
• We also use the further outdoor areas
around the school regularly
Phonics and Reading
• Read Write Inc lessons are carried out daily. The
children will be assessed and grouped accordingly
• Daily Reading Time provides opportunity for
developing reading skills
• When your child is ready, they will bring home a
reading book from the Oxford Reading Tree scheme
• The children’s mathematical skills are
developed throughout the curriculum
• There is a focus on understanding
mathematical language and applying their
skills in written and practical work
• The children are grouped according to their
ability for our focused maths lessons
• Each class has its own bear – focus is to
develop speaking/listening skills
• Please help your child to learn their sounds
• We sometimes send home topic related
projects to reinforce work carried out in
• When your child is ready, they will be given a
reading book to practise at home
• Autumn Term – Glow and Glitter
• Spring Term – Dragon Tales
• Summer Term - Teeny Tiny Things / Beach
School Portal
• Please check the portal regularly for news and
information. These can be found on the Reception
notice board and calendar
• An overview of our skills and activities can be found
by following the link on the Reception notice board
• This slideshow will be posted in the Reception
section following the meetings
Developing Independence
• A main focus for the Autumn term is helping
the children to become independent in school
• Please practise getting them to dress
themselves over the Summer holidays. This
will help us in P.E. and at playtimes
Thank You For Coming
This Evening.