Identify/describe each of the 7 traditional American values

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Transcript Identify/describe each of the 7 traditional American values

Ch. 3: Cultural Conformity and
Sec. 1: The American
Value System (p. 46 – 51)
1. Identify/describe each of the 7
traditional American values
 Personal Achievement
the sense of accomplishing a
goal/task on your own
e.g. – looking down at the toilet bowl
in total amazement at the size and
shape of my poop! Just kidding…
or feeling great after your boss
congratulates you on your presentation
1. Identify/describe each of the 7
traditional American values
 Hard
 – the belief that one must put his/her all
into any task or endeavor that he/she
engages in
e.g. – working overtime at work to
finish a project or task; an athlete
training hard in the off season
1. Identify/describe each of the 7
traditional American values
 – the belief that all people should strive to
‘do the right thing’
e.g. – finding a satchel of money in a
parking lot and turning it over to the police
instead of keeping it
 Humanitarianism
 – the belief that all people should help the
‘less fortunate’ whenever possible
e.g. – giving to charity
1. Identify/describe each of the 7
traditional American values
– the belief that one must use their resources as
‘effectively’ as possible
e.g. – finding a migrant worker to work at your
nursery for $3.00 an hour instead of paying an
American $6.85 an hour 
– the belief that we should only use things or engage
in activities that are useful/beneficial to us
e.g. – buying a used Nissan Minivan with 5,000 miles
instead of a brand new Nissan Minivan that is
$5,000.00 more
1. Identify/describe each of the 7
traditional American values
 – the belief that all things should constantly be in a
state of improvement or renovation
e.g. – fuel-efficient cars; cures for diseases;
improving literacy rates and lowering poverty rates
through educational improvements
Look at these examples of both progress and material comfort
Material Comfort
 – the desire to make life easier and more
e.g. – remote control; I-pods; cell phones; heated
seats; spas; plastic surgery;
1. Identify/describe each of the 7
traditional American values
– the belief that everyone should be treated ‘the same’
and given ‘the same’ opportunities to succeed
( isn’t interesting that we deny gays the right to
e.g. – 14th Amendment states that American citizens
can not be discriminated against regardless of their
race, gender, or religion
 Democracy
 – the belief that the right to govern belongs to the
e.g. – we elect representatives to carry out our wishes
in government and if they don’t then we do not re-elect
them ( for example…)
1. Identify/describe each of the 7
traditional American values
 Freedom
the belief that all American citizens
are ‘free’ to do what they want in this
country (with certain obvious
e.g. – the 1st Amendment states that
we have freedom of religion, speech,
press, and assembly
2. What is our newest American
 Self-Fulfillment
the commitment to the full
development of one’s personality,
talents, and potential
e.g. – tanning salons, personal fitness
this is evident everywhere in the
3. Define Narcissism
 A personality
disorder that involves
‘extreme self-centeredness’.
 Believing that you are the most
beautiful, talented, and skilled
person alive
 Hello …
s.2: Social Control
Definition: Process by which a norm becomes
part of one’s behavior patterns/personality
Examples: Stopping at stop
signs, putting a napkin on
your lap, putting your
seatbelt on, driving the
speed limit
Definition: Rewards for good behavior;
Punishment for bad behavior
+ Sanction
Definition: a reward for
good behavior
Examples: praise from
family, teachers,
bonuses/pay raises at
work, awards and trophies
for various
- Sanction
Definition: a punishment for
bad behavior
Examples: being grounded
by your parents; being
frowned at, ridiculed, and
rejected by your peers;
being fined and/or
imprisoned by law
Formal Sanction
Informal Sanction
reward/punishment given
by a ‘formal’ organization
Examples: Receiving a pay raise at work;
an Emmy Award; getting fired; being
sentenced to 5 years in prison
Definition: reward/punishment
that are
spontaneous and given ‘informally’ or casually
by one person or a small group
Examples: standing ovation; frowns, insults, compliments,
smiles, and gossip from peers; being scolded by your