Attachment 2

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Transcript Attachment 2

Structure Type Assignments
Suri Kabekkodu
Structure Type Notation
• LPF uses a longer notation: Structure Type Formula,
Pearson Symbol, Space group number
• Examples: Cu3 Au,cP4,221; Cu3 As,cI64,220;
Structure Type requirements
• Must crystallize in the same space group
• Similar cell parameter ratio
• Same Wyckoff positions (Wyckoff
• When all the above 3 conditions satisfy, we
have similar atomic environments
Wyckoff sequence
Wyckoff notation of a given space group
changes with
1. Choice of origin
2. Alternative setting
Hence it is required to standardize the
crystal structure prior to the “atomic
environment” comparison
Standardization of Crystal
• First proposed by Parthe and Gelato (Acta
Cryst. (1984), A40, 169-183)
• The method calculated standardization
parameter  based on
• Shift of origin
• Rotation of the coordinate system
• Inversion of the basis vectors
The smallest  represents the standard description
• Program STRUCTURE TIDY (Parthe and
Gelato) to standardize the structure
• Standardization procedure criteria
Space group setting
Cell parameters
Origin of the coordinate system
Order of the atom sites
Standardization Criteria (-Contd)
• Additional constraints
• Triclinic space groups: Niggli reduced cell
• Monoclinic with b-axis unique
• Orthorhombic a b  c (when not fixed by the space
• Trigonal space group with R lattice (triple hexagonal
• Choice of origin: at the inversion center
• Enantiomorphic space groups: smallest index on the
relevant screw axis
Special Cases
• In general standardization procedure can
directly compare candidates for isotypic
compounds. However there are some
special cases:
• Refinable coordinate very close to zero