Transcript Conclusions

Clarifying the role of the OECD
Clarificando el papel de la OCDE
• The OECD is a catalyst helping countries to
• La OCDE es un catalizador que ayuda a los paises a:
– forge themselves a very solid diagnosis and
– forjarse un diagnóstico muy sólido y
– to identify solutions
– a identificar soluciones
• The OECD has not all the answers but it can help
identifying where the answers are
• La OCDE no tiene todas las respuestas pero puede
ayudar a identificar dónde se encuentran las respuestas
Clarifying the role of the OECD
Clarificando el papel de la OCDE
• The OECD has not in mind any prefabricated solution.
• La OCDE no tiene en mente solución prefabricada
• The OECD does not force any country to introduce
reform nor to adopt specific solutions
• La OCDE no obliga a ningún país a introducir reformas o
adoptar soluciones específicas
• Developing the conditions of change is more efficient
than imposing change
• Desarrollar condiciones de cambio es más eficiente que
imponer el cambio
Clarifying the role of the OECD
Clarificando el papel de la OCDE
• Experience of other countries can help but the abroad
best practices have to be carefully assessed before they
can be exported to other countries in view of the local
characteristics, realities, needs and objectives.
• La experiencia de otros paises puede ayudar, pero las
mejores prácticas en el extranjero deben ser evaluadas
con cuidado antes de poder ser exportadas considerando
las características, realidades, necesidades y objetivos
What we agreed upon
Lo que acordamos
• Education is the most important subject of the political
agenda at the moment
• La educación es actualmente el asunto más importante
de la agenda política
• We need a vision for the next 30 years and of where we
should be at that time
• Necesitamos una visión para los próximos 30 años y para
dónde deberíamos estar al cabo de ese tiempo
What we agreed upon
Lo que acordamos
• We need a strategy to ensure the most complete
implementation of reform, to make reforms happen
• Necesitamos una estrategia para asegurar una mejor
implementación de la reforma
– This implies the participation of all stakeholders at both the
formulation and implementation stages of the reform.
– Esto implica la participación de todas las partes interesadas,
tanto en las etapas de formulación, como de implementación de
la reforma
– In other words, a reform can only fail if there is no ownership of
the reform from the part of the stakeholders
– En otras palabras, una reforma sólo puede fallar si no hay un
sentido de apropiación de la reforma de las partes interesadas
• Capacity building is essential, i.e. developing the
appropriate infrastructures and institutions
What we agreed
Lo que acordamos
• La construcción de capacidades es esencial, por ejemplo, el
desarrollo de estructuras e instituciones apropiadas
• There is no quick fix, therefore we need a long term
political commitment
• N0 hay atajos, por lo tanto necesitamos un compromiso
político de largo plazo
• There is no one size fits all solution. The situation in States
largely varies and their characteristics are essentially
• No existe la solución única. La situación en los estados
varía mucho y sus características son esencialmente
What we agreed
Lo que acordamos
• There is no simple recipe: the amount of inputs to take
into account is vast
• No hay receta sencilla: la cantidad de insumos a tomar
en consideración es vasta
• We need changes not by shock but by smooth transition
• Necesitamos cambios, no de forma abrupta, sino a través
de una transición gradual
• Education is a science in progress
• La educación es una ciencia en progreso
What we learnt
Lo que aprendimos
• The issues we are dealing with are of growing
international concern
• Los asuntos que estamos tratando son de preocupación
creciente a nivel nacional
• There is an increasing commonality of issues in the
• Hay un número creciente de asuntos compartidos en el
• It is now the time to profoundly reform the educational
• Actualmente, es el momento de reformar profundamente
el sistema educativo
What we learnt
Lo que aprendimos
• We should not underestimate:
• No debemos subestimar:
– the resistance to change
– la resistencia al cambio
– the burden of tradition
– el peso de la tradición
– the difficulty to changes believes and attitudes
– la dificultad para cambiar creencias y actitudes
• There is a need to generate an innovation process to
make changes happen
• Existe una necesidad de generar un proceso de
innovación para que los cambios puedan suceder
What we achieved
Lo que hemos logrado
We held open and franc exchanges
Hemos tenido intercambios abiertos y francos
We have deepened policy insights
Hemos profundizado en el entendimiento de las políticas
There was a willingness to address all the issues, even
the most complex ones
• Ha habido la voluntad de discutir todos los asuntos,
incluso los más complejos
What we achieved
Lo que hemos logrado
• We also deepened the diagnosis in many areas
• Hemos profundizado el diagnóstico en varias áreas
• We discussed without ideology looking for the best
• Discutimos sin ideología, buscando la mejor evidencia
• We developed a very rich peer learning process
• Desarrollamos un proceso muy rico de aprendizaje entre
Challenges of implementation
• A stakeholder participation based on the interest of the pupil and
A broad participation of stakeholder groups – each stakeholder
with a voice in its domain(s) of competence
Reduce the distance between intention and practice
Strengthening educational leadership and professionalise the role
of educational authorities
Develop evidence on the impact of reforms
Next steps: Analise mechanisms to eliminate implementation gaps
School Leadership
• Redefine roles and responsibilities of school leaders
- With school leaders participation
• Consolidate strategies of “distributed responsibilities”
• Redefine and develop more relevant training programmes
• Make school leadership a more attractive profession
• Next steps: Analise polices to strengthen school leadership
Teacher quality
• Recognise the centrality of the teaching profession
The role of the teaching profession in ensuring societal trust – its
openness to change and its adaptative capacity
Mechanisms to effect changes of cultures – evaluation, accountability,
differentiation, autonomy, quality, incentives
Professionalising teaching – teacher education, professional setting,
research, recruitment, leadership
Responding to a diversity of needs
Supporting and motivating – trust teachers, recognise good performance,
guide professionals
Next steps: Analise policies to strengthen teacher quality
Incentives and Stimuli (1)
• Incentives are an important means to give teachers signals that
better work will make a difference for them
• Rewarding teachers for their performance and that of their
students are important dimensions, but participants recognize other
–Fostering an attracting work environment
–Establishing good facilities and career perspectives
–Feedback to teachers and professional development
• Team versus individual-based incentives: an unresolved debate
Incentives and Stimuli (2)
Key challenges to be resolved
- Creating a robust evaluation system and intelligent accountability
culture with measures that go beyond that which can be easily tested
(examples from Chile)
- Focusing on the value added by teachers and
adequately accounting for socio-economic factors
schools and
- Avoiding that the competition for higher salaries sacrifices
collegiality and team outcomes
- Designing systems that reward progress achieved as well as high
Next step: A discussion on educational standards
Next steps
Próximos pasos
• Make sure that the benefits of this conference do not
vanish in 48 hours
• Asegurar que los beneficios de esta conferencia no se
desvanezcan en 48 horas
– All presentations on the conference WEB site
– Todas las presentaciones estarán en un sitio WEB de
la conferencia
– All experts to produce a summary of their
– Todos los expertos producirán un resumen de sus
Next steps
Próximos pasos
– A summary of the conference focusing on the
common understanding reached and what remains to
be done to be soon distributed
– Se distribuirá pronto un resumen de la conferencia
enfocándose en el entendimiento común alcanzado y
en lo que resta por hacer
– Other similar conferences to be organised in 2009
including in some States.
– Otras conferencias similares serán organizadas en
2009, incluyendo algunos estados
– Some country visits to be organised
– Algunas visitas de país serán organizadas
The 30 speakers
A los 30 conferencistas
The 3 chairs
A los tres presidentes de sesión
The participants for their attendance and their
comments and questions
• A los participantes, por su asistencia, sus comentarios y
sus preguntas
A los intérpretes
The support team
Al equipo de apoyo
The media
A los medios de comunicación
SEP for the excellent organisation and hospitality
A la SEP, por su excelente organización y hospitalidad
• [email protected]