Paper presentation and summary

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CAP6135: Malware and Software
Vulnerability Analysis
Paper Presentation and
Cliff Zou
Spring 2010
Paper Presentation
For face-to-face session students only
Each class will have two students present two
Each presentation lasts around 30 minutes
The teacher will give a summary at the end of lecture
if we still have time
Student in-class participation is counted
Ask questions, answer questions, give comments…
The teacher will count it!
Presentation Format
First page:
Show the paper title, authors, affiliations, published conferences
Presenter name
Give acknowledgement if you reuse any content from
other places (even from the authors’ slides)
At the end of presentation:
Contribution: one page
Weakness: one page
The major contribution(s) of this paper
What weaknesses you can think of this paper?
Improvement: one page
How do you think to improve/extend the research in the paper?
Paper Summary
For online video streaming students only
Submit paper summary in every two week (by Tuesday)
Summarize two papers presented in the previous two
Submit summary through webcourse
You can pick these two papers you want to summarize
Each paper’s summary needs to be two or more pages
Single column, single spaced, 12 point fonts
Summary Format
Summarize what this paper is about?
Do not try to copy paper’s abstract or conclusion
Should be more technical and detailed than paper’s abstract
Use your own words
Central ideas/contributions
Briefly describe how the authors show/verify their claims
Point out what the possible weaknesses exist in the paper
Use your own words, do not copy from the paper
Your thoughts:
Good? Bad? Interested? Boring?
Why do you think the paper is good or bad?
How to improve? Do you have a new idea on better work?