Transcript PPT

Conversion and Torrens
Cameron Stewart
Primary applications
• S 14: Primary applications can be brought by:
• (a) a person claiming to be the person in whom is vested an estate
in fee simple either at law or in equity in the land to which the
application relates,
• (b) a person claiming, in the land to which the application relates,
an estate in possession, or in reversion, or in remainder, or a
leasehold for a life or for lives or a leasehold having a term of not
less than twenty-five years current at the time of making the
application, or
• (c) a person having the power to appoint an estate or interest
referred to in paragraph (a) or (b) in the land to which the
application relates, if the person obtains the consent of any other
person whose consent to the exercise of the power is required and
directs that the object of the power be named as proprietor in the
folio of the Register to be created for that land.
Primary applications
• Caveat against primary applications: s 74B(1)
• Three months and then lapses without
• No claim for compensation if lapsed: s 127
• Land then placed in ordinary folio
Qualified title
• Two stages: RP gets a qualified protection and
the later gets complete indefeasibility
• RG creates a qualified title – thereafter must
be effect by dealings
• Qualified title is subject to subsisting interests
• Qualified cannot be initiated by RP is only
done by RG
Qualified title
• S 28 A Subsisting interest, in relation to land for which a qualified
folio of the Register has been created, means:
• (a) any contingent or vested estate or interest in that land that was
in existence at the date on which the qualified folio of the Register
was created and would have been enforceable against the person
for the time being registered in that qualified folio as the proprietor
had that qualified folio not been created and had any dealing
registered therein been effected by a corresponding instrument
duly registered under Division 1 of Part 23 of the Conveyancing Act
1919 at the same time as the dealing became registered in the
Register, and
• (b) any estate or interest in that land, arising by prescription or
under any statute of limitations, that was in existence or in the
course of being acquired at the date on which the qualified folio of
the Register was created.
Qualified title
• RG issues a caution regarding the subsiting
interests: s 28J
• The RG then works out priorities on the basis
that the interests as old system interests
under s 184G CA
Qualified title
• Lapsing of qualified title
• Person registers for value without fraud
• Then 6 years after creation of folio or
registration of persdon, whatever is the later:
s 28M
• What is gift? Then must wait until bona fide
purchaser and then 6 years or registration
Limited title
• Created in 1976
• For land with boundaries insufficiently defined
• Title is limited on the basis that the
boundaries have not been investigated
• Limitations can be cancelled on the lodgment
of a plan after a survey
• Caveats can be lodged to prevent registration
of the plan