Transcript PPT

Use of Survey data in National Accts
Producer Price Surveys
Responsibility: UBOS- Business stat. section
Periodicity : Quarterly
Coverage: Restricted to businesses in the
manufacturing sector
Base year for indices: Jul-Sep 2004=100
Use: Provides indices for reflating output of
manufacturing activities to current prices
Construction Surveys
Responsibility: UBOS- Business stat. section
Periodicity : Quarterly
Coverage: more than 100 producers and 17
Base year for indices: Jan-Mar 2006=100
Use: provides indices for deflating
disbursements to construction activities.
Consumer Price Surveys
Responsibility: UBOS- Price section
Periodicity : Monthly
Coverage: Restricted to 8 urban centers
Base year for indices: 2005/06=100
Use: obtain indices for reflating output for
Hotels & Restaurants, Transport, Electricity,
Water etc, to current prices
Uganda Business Inquiry
Previously was carried out every 5-years. Most
recent survey was carried out in 2009/10
Annual surveys are yet to start
Use: Obtain Output and Intermediate
Consumption of formal and informal
businesses. These were a source of benchmark
data for the SUT 9/10
Uganda National Household Surveys source of
data for private hh expenditure
Uganda Census of Agriculture 2008 source of
data for GO, VA for agric sector using WIP
Uganda Livestock Census 2008 source of
data for GO, VA for agric sector using WIP
These sources provided mainly benchmark
data in the SUT 2009/10
Some surveys not carried out frequently
Poor coordination makes it very difficult to
ensure that methodological issues and
changes in methods of data collection are
dealt with in a coherent way in all statistical
Limited influence of the national accounts
compilers over the design of surveys.
Persistent Inconsistencies in the statistics
delivered by the different surveys even within
the same agency
Persistent Inconsistencies in statistics for the
same indicator across different agencies
Thank You