Transcript ppt

I&T meeting Aug 12, 2004
Suggestion for EM2 (not requirements!)
Data Analysis
– E2E trigger and data flow tests
– Can we implement the high rate Poisson trigger we will use for 2 towers
and the filter from that comes with it ?
– Can we test the I&T scripts for E2E tests with online distributions for
pass/fail criteria?
» If it works, would be nice to have a presentation of the results from
the pass/fail distributions in the Instrument Analysis workshop
– Test Ideas for baseline cosmic rays
– Depends on knowledge of threshold settings and known problems of EM2.
Need a list of problems to find out whether we should worry about it or
– ACD calibrations
– Would be nice to develop implement and test SAS calibrations. Not priority
because it is not need for 2 towers
– VDG?
– Do not know what we have and what we need
SVAC infrastructure
– Test pipeline, refine test reports and existing calibrations
– Possibly test calibration database (depends on schedule)
– Test online features for elog if available at the time
E. do Couto e Silva