18. Awarding Powers for Colleges? (MSPowerpoint 26KB)

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Transcript 18. Awarding Powers for Colleges? (MSPowerpoint 26KB)

The Further Education and
Training Bill
Prospects for Further and Higher
HE in FE-the background
• Mixed economy colleges (and MEG)
• Non-prescribed HE
• HEI/college partnerships
The College HE Offer
Honours degrees
Higher National Awards
Professional Qualifications
NVQ 4/5
Foundation Degrees
Post graduate degrees
The college offer - characteristics
• Specialist provision
• Mainly vocational
• Focus on widening participation and
progression (FE to HE, same institution or
to HEI)
• Balance of full and part time students
• Small teaching groups
• Individual student support
The Further Education and Training
Bill-proposals Clause17(19)
• Colleges able to apply for FD awarding
• Powers granted by Privy Council on
recommendation of QAA
• Conditions analogous to current degree
awarding powers
• Further limiting conditions including
franchising, probation period, progression
agreements to Hons
The Further Education and Training
Bill Clause 17 (19)
• Why is it needed?
• What are the issues?
• What will be the impact?
The need
• Some HEI validation processes slow and
expensive, especially with low numbers
• Post Leitch, rapid response to employers
• Validation of new curriculum areas
• Work based learning
• Experienced colleges ready for the
• Is the current system unfit for purpose? If
not, why fix it?
• Can colleges deliver quality?
• Will all colleges want the powers?
• Will progression opportunities be available
for students?
• Will existing college/HEI relationships be
adversely affected?
• More FDs available locally
• More work based FDs with a closer
relationship with employers
• New relationships for some colleges and
• A catalyst for change?