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Analytics Dashboards
Jim Morris
John Zimmerman
Spring Semester 2012
Your service is a market probe.
Whatever you believe today, you can know much more
after the first months of operation.
What is currently unknown?
05.899 & 499
Basic demand for service
Response to various advertisements
Response to initial engagement
Competitive solutions
Hits from Google ads
Success as perceived by guest
Repeat engagements
Model guests. Create theories of behavior.
Designing Mobile Services
Spring 2012
Ridesharing Service
Any matching service requires a critical mass of guests
before it has a chance of success.
Create a guaranteed response for earlier adopters.
05.899 & 499
“We’ll email you as soon as we find someone.” not “We
can’t find a match.”
Contract with taxi service to create pool of drivers.
Riders vs. Drivers
Times and routes
One time offer vs. standing offer
What is the frequency of returns after a successful
match vs. the frequency after no match?
What is the critical mass?
How much promotion is needed to reach critical mass?
Designing Mobile Services
Spring 2012
Re-tweeting Network
Idea: Provide a “thank-you” button that allows any
recipient to award points to senders. Control quantity of
points so that it becomes a pseudo currency.
05.899 & 499
Are points valued?
How should points be awarded upstream?
Do gatekeepers emerge; i.e. people with large inflow and outflow
of points?
When, in the process of reading something, are people likely to
award points?
Tendency to send
Tendency to thank
Response to thanks
Tendency to increase point accumulation
Designing Mobile Services
Spring 2012