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The Application of
Portfolio Assessment in
Language Teaching and
碩研英語一甲 蔡枚燕
Brown et al. (1997) indicate, “If you want
to change student learning then change
the methods of assessment.”
A portfolio performs the functions of
teaching, learning, and evaluating.
The purpose of this study lies on
introducing the feasibility of portfolio
assessment and how it enhances students’
learning achievement.
Literature Review
The Origin of Portfolio Assessment
Phelps (1999)
◆ 1986
◆ Peter Elbow & Pat Belanoff
Defining Portfolios
◆Paulson, Paulson, Meyer (1991)
A purposeful collection of student work that
exhibits the student’s efforts, progress and
achievements in one or more areas (p. 60).
◆Brown (2001)
Content: essays, compositions, poetry,
book reports, art work, video- or audiotape
recordings of a student’s oral production,
journals, and virtually anything else one
wishes to specify (p. 418)
Defining Portfolio Assessment
◆Kroll (1990)
The portfolio approach is based on
assembling a representative sample of the
student’s best work ……at the end of the
term, the entire portfolio is evaluated for a
grade rather than assigning a grade to
each paper separately or using some sort
of grade-average system (p. 64).
Key Characteristics of Portfolio
◆Kemp and Toperoff (1998)
1. A portfolio is a form of assessment that
students do together with their teachers.
2. A portfolio is not just a collection of
student work, but a selection – the student
must be involved in choosing and justifying
the pieces to be included.
3. A portfolio provides samples of the student’s
work which show growth over time. By reflecting
on their own learning (self-assessment),
students begin to identify the strengths and
weaknesses in their work. These weaknesses
then become improvement goals.
4. The criterion for selecting and assessing the
portfolio contents must be clear to the teacher
and the students at the outset of the process.
5. The entries in an EFL portfolio can demonstrate
learning and growth in all language
domains/skills, or can focus on a specific skill
such as appreciation of literature, or writing.
Traditional Assessment vs. Portfolio Assessment
(Tierney et al. 1991)
◆ Traditional Assessment
(teacher-centered education)
• Measures student’s ability at one time
• Done by teacher alone; student often unaware of criteria
• Conducted outside instruction
• Assigns student a grade
• Does not capture the range of student’s language ability
• Does not include the teacher’s knowledge of student as a
• Does not give student responsibility
◆ Portfolio Assessment
(student-centered learning)
• Measures student’s ability over time
• Done by teacher and student; student aware of
• Embedded in instruction
• Involves student in own assessment
• Captures many facets of language learning
• Allows for expression of teacher’s knowledge of
student as a learner
• Student learns how to take responsibility
Advantages of Portfolio
◆ (Shavelson et al. 1992;
Kemp and Toperoff 1998)
• It brings assessment in line with instruction.
• It includes a wide variety of materials.
• It evaluates a variety of skills.
• It caters to individuals in a heterogeneous class.
• It develops social skills, which are indispensable for students
to negotiate with their teachers and classmates.
• It improves motivation for learning, which encourages
students to select their own learning materials.
• It builds students’ autonomy and provides them sense of
• It lessens students’ uneasiness towards scores.
• It keeps a complete record of each student’s progress
and supplies future teachers with opportunities for
inspecting students’ learning situation.
Guidelines for Using Portfolios
in a Classroom
◆Brown (2001, p. 419).
• Specify to students what the purpose of
the portfolio is
• Give clear directions to students on how
to get started. Showing a sample portfolio
from a previous student might help to
stimulate thoughts on what to include.
• Give guidelines on acceptable material to
• Collect portfolios on pre-announced dates
and return them promptly.
• Be clear yourself on the principal purpose
of the portfolio and make sure your
feedback speaks to that purpose.
• Help students to process your feedback
and show them how to respond to your
responses. This processing might take
place in a conference, or simply through
written feedback.
The Execution of Portfolio Assessment
◆Brootchi and Keshavarz (2004)
◆ Dan-Ling Fu (1992)
◆Brown (2001)
Learners of all ages and in all fields of study
are benefiting from the tangible, hands-on
nature of portfolio development (p. 419).