(CLU) Determining the GL Account Number

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Transcript (CLU) Determining the GL Account Number

Determining the Complete General Ledger (G/L) Account Number
(Fund – Department – Object Code)
Step 1:
Determine the Department number that is responsible for the transaction
 It is the responsibility of the Department’s Budget Officer to ensure that adequate budget is available for
each transaction
Determine the appropriate Fund number
 Please refer to the Department List with Fund and Signing Authority on the Business Office website to
confirm if the Department is considered to be Fund 10 or Fund 11
 Fund 10 – includes departments that receive budget from the University. These departments are
closed out at the end of the fiscal year (May 31st) and no balances are carried over to the next
fiscal year.
 Fund 11 – includes departments that are not budgeted by the University. These departments’
descriptions begin with “NB,” meaning Non-Budgeted and are typically funded by grants,
program revenue, and/or gifts. These departments’ balances are carried over from fiscal year to
fiscal year.
 Gifts for Fund 10 and Fund 11 Departments must be coded to Fund 15, Object Code 41030 and
submitted to the University Advancement office for further processing
 Fund 15 – includes gifts intended for Fund 10 and 11 departments. Fund 10 and 11 departments
with gift funds are to spend out of Fund 10 or 11, NOT Fund 15, using the appropriate expense
Object Code. The Business Office will release gift funds from Fund 15 to Fund 10 or 11 as
spent. Please note that accounting guidelines requires gift funds to be used first, prior to any
University budget or other kind of revenue.
 There are other Funds used for specific purposes and do not apply to most departments
 Fund 12 – for KCLU only
 Fund 80 – for Facilities Operations & Planning Only
Determine the Object Code that best describes the nature of the transaction
 Please refer to the Object Code Dictionary on the Business Office website to determine which object
code is best
 Do NOT choose Object Codes based on where budget or revenue is
Step 2:
Step 3: