Document 9655475

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Transcript Document 9655475

: V0032 - Restaurant English
: 2009 - 2010
Serving the first course
Refilling wine glasses
Meeting 7
1. What is the other term for the first course?
2. Give some examples of first course.
Bina Nusantara University
The steps in carrying a tray in the shoulder carry position
• Pull the tray so that it projects 15 cm from the edge of
the table or tray-stand
• Slide your left hand under the tray so that your palm is
under the heaviest part of the tray
• Bend your knees and lift the tray off the table
• Carry the tray at shoulder height. Keet the tray steady
with your right hand
Bina Nusantara University
Steps in delivering the first course
1. Check the dishes in the food order to make sure they
are correct
2. Put the dish on the tray
3. Carry the tray to the table using the shoulder carry
4. Set the tray don on a tray stand
5. Double check the food order, before serving
6. Announce the meal as you serve it
7. Serve ladies first
8. The host is served last
Bina Nusantara University
The steps in refilling wine
1. If you see wine glasses only a quarter full, refill it
2. Pick up the bottle of wine from the stand and top up the
3. Guests cover their glass with their hands mean they do
not want more wine
4. Offer another bottle of wine if the bottle is almost empty
5. Put the bottle bask into the wine bucket
Bina Nusantara University
The steps in taking beverage order
6. Explain the ingredient as well if asked
7. Apologize if the item a guest order is not available,
recommend an alternative
8. Offer an extra side dish, extra vegetable or salad
9. Repeat guest order
10. Ask the guests for confirmation that the order is corrct
11. Tell guests you will back with their meal
Bina Nusantara University
Important phrases
• Specialties (in restaurant) = certain food items that are
freshly made or avaialable on that day or week
• Starter = another name for the first course of a meal
• The main course (entress) = the biggest part of the meal,
such as meat or fish
• Run out of [something] = that item is finished or used up
and there is no more left
• Ingredients = the different food items used to make a
certain dish
Bina Nusantara University
Order of service
Without host, serve:
First, all the ladies, in a clockwise direction. Then serve the
With host, serve:
- lady or gentleman to the right of the host
- other ladies
- gentlemen
- host
Bina Nusantara University
Important phrases
• The first course = starter, appetizer or entree
in American style restaurants the main course is often
called the Entree
• host/hostess = the person who invites others to a meal
or function
• Announce = to say out loud
• Double check = check a second time
Bina Nusantara University