Agenda - 5G SIG

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Transcript Agenda - 5G SIG

Norwegian 5G-PPP Special Interest Group
2nd meeting
17.06.2014, Kjeller (UNIK)
Isabelle Tardy
Technology for a better society
• 10:00 -10:30 5G-SIG governance -> SINTEF/UiA
• 10:30 -11:00 Promoting material/web site (representing the Norwegian 5G scientific
community) -> UiA/all
• 11:00 -11:15 Break
• 11:00-12:00 Initiation of common projects -> UiA/all
• 12:00 -12:45 Lunch
• 13:00 - 13:30 Evaluator's experience -> FFI (tba)
• 13:30 -14:00 Reporting from European meetings -> Telenor/SINTEF
• Small break if needed
• 14:00 -14:30 ICT2025 & SRR -> NFR / all
• 14:30 -15:00 Wrap up and plan for the next meeting
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Added value of Norwegian 5G-SIG
Technology for a better society
Goals of 5G-SIG
• Coordinate and help to increase the utilization of results produced by
Norwegian scientists in the area of 5G.
• Create the liaison to the European Technology Platform NetWorld2020.
• Identify research opportunities in 5G technologies, applications and services,
focusing on the Norwegian context.
• Form a research and development community with a focus on challenges in 5G
• Assist emerging ideas to find support for research in 5G from the appropriate
funding agencies at national and European level.
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Added-value of 5G-SIG
• Enhance visibility: networking activities, strengthening Norwegian
participation in Horizon 2020 ICT programs on a non-competitive basis
– Representation of topics: everything covered
– Mapping of Norwegian competence
• Influence the European workprogramme
– Participation to SRIA, white papers, expert groups
– Understand what the Commission expects in terms of impacts (tangible plans & visible
• Influence the national workprogramme
– Strategic Research Roadmap (SRR)
– In view of "IKT-2025" work program and calls
• Starting new initiatives with a selection of partners
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5G-SIG governance (1/2)
5G-SIG project has been signed.
Board: SINTEF, UiA, Telenor.
– Administrative tasks include: agenda and setup of each meeting. SINTEF is responsible for the
programme and invitations of possible external scientists, UiA will support this activity and
maintain the web site. Telenor will report from meetings with the board of NetWorld2020.
Members so far:
SINTEF-ICT (Isabelle Tardy, Bengt Holter),
Telenor (Terje Tjelta, Patrick Waldemar, Kashif Mahmood),
UiA (Matthias Pätzold, Frank Li, Søren Kragholm),
FFI (Torleiv Maseng, Magnus Skjegstad),
UiO/UNIK (Josef Noll, Øivind Kure, Thomas Plageman),
Simula (Yan Zhang),
NTNU (Torbjørn Ekman, Kimmo Kansanen, Danilo Gligoroski, Yuming Jiang)
ABB/UNIK (Pål Orten)
More as budget allows
2 meetings/workshops per year in 3 years (until Q4/2016)
Liaisons with other similar initiatives COST1004, CWI, IoT value creation…
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5G-SIG governance (2/2)
• Administrative costs are indicated for SINTEF and UiA. The rest of the
resources are open to all members for travelling abroad to a NetWorld meeting,
and cover costs related to the organization of the domestic 5G-SIG meetings.
• In-kind in the form of academics and industrial participation time.
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5G-SIG communication channels
• Web page (UiA)
Example of IoT
• Linked In Group (SINTEF)
– Information about activities and link to web page
– Open group
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Reporting from European meetings
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European platform ETP NetWorld2020
• General Assembly - All NetWorld2020 members are represented in the
General Assembly.
• Steering Board - There are 30 member organizations with voting rights and 5
observers without voting rights.
• Executive Group - The Steering Board may delegate organizational issues.
• Working Groups - Working Groups support the Steering Board by developing
position papers in specific areas of interest. The following Working Groups are
active at the moment:
Expert Advisory Group
SatCom Working Group
SME Working Group (in setup phase)
NetWorld2020 – NEM Joint Working Group
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Expert advisory group
• Rahim Tafazolli - Univ. Of Surrey
• White papers
• Workshops. Next one is at the eucnc conference ( )
– NetWorld2020-Experts Workshop
– Bologna, Italy
– 23rd June 2014
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Satcom working group
• Nicolas Chuberre – Thales Alenia Space
• White papers
• Workshops
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Technology for a better society
Technology for a better society
SINTEF ICT main experience and interests within 5G
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Info day in Paris 28/4
Opening and welcome
Brigitte Cardinael, Orange, and Werner Mohr, 5g-Infrastructure Association
EU context and priorities for 5G, Bernard Barani, EC Unit E1, DG Connect
Part 1: Organisation and working structure
The 5G Infrastructure Association and its activities, Werner Mohr, 5g-Infrastructure Association
H2020, ICT-14 introduction and expectationsris, Philippe Lefebvre, EC Unit E1, DG Connect
METIS Concepts for 5G, Hugo Tullberg, Ericsson
Role of experiments and test beds in the 5G PPP, Nikos ISARIS, EC Unit E4, DG Connect, Net Futures – Experimental Platforms
Part 2: Addressing the challenges – Preparing for 5G PPP Call
A 5G-Infrastructure-Association view on how a coherent set of projects could address the challenges, Didier Bourse, Alcatel-Lucent
Expression of interests by participants, opportunities for participation
Open debate on the views presented
Conclusions and Announcement of next open event
Expression of interests by participants
Arturo Azcorra, IMEDA
Ana Isabel Perez, CTTC
Jochen Mezger, IRT
Kurt Tutschku, Blekinge Institute of Technology
David Levi, Ethernity Networks
Xavier Priem, B-COM
Alain Mourad, InterDigital
Nathan Gomes, University of Kent
Enis Erkel, LABSYNC & Other Project Ideas,
Daniel Molina, Mantica Solutions
Didier Le Ruyet, CNAM
Reiner S. Thomä, Ilmenau University of Technology
Isabelle Tardy, SINTEF
Reza Nejabati, University of Bristol
Gilles Charbit, MediaTek
Xavier Lagrange, Telecom Bretagne
Donal Morris, RedZinc
Zhongliang Zhao, University of Bern
Graham Peters, Avanti
Alex Galis, University College London
Rui A Costa, Ubiwhere
Iago Soto, Quobis
Bulent Erbas, Okan Tekno ArGe AS
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5G-PPP awareness meeting, 28/5, Brussels
Opening remarks, Werner Mohr, 5G-PPP Association Chairman,
Introduction of 5G PPP, Bernard Barani, European Commission
5G-PPP in H2020, Philippe Lefebvre, European Commission
Strand 1: R&I: Radio network architecture and technologies
Participants presentations for Strand 1 activities & Questions and comments
MIMO Antenna Sys and Radio Resource Mgt. , Dr. Xu (Judy) Zhu, Uni. of Liverpool
Visible Light Communications (VLC), Dr. S Kariyawasam, HW Communications Ltd, UK
Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits, Thomas Heyn, IIS, Germany
Gradiant, Jorge Munir, El Malek, Spain
University of Malaga, César Augusto Garcia Pérez, Spain
ISMB – Istituto Superiore Mario Boella, Maurizio Spirito, Italy
KOÇ UNIVERSITY, Enis Erkel, Turkey
Instituto Superior Técnico – University of Lisbon, Prof. Luis M. Correia, Portugal
Strand 2: R&I: Convergence beyond last mile
Participant presentations for Strand 2 activities, & Questions and comments
TU Dortmund‘s ComNets Institute, Prof. Christian Wietfeld, Germany
King’s College London, Mischa Dohler, UK
MyOmega System Technologies GmbH, Costas Davarakis, Germany
ISMB – Istituto Superiore Mario Boella, Maurizio Spirito, Italy
Ideas that don’t fit the Strands
Participant presentations & Questions and comments
INFINITY, XI-FI, FIRE, Jacques Magen, InterInnov , France,
Acreo Swedish ICT AB, Mikhail Popov, Sweden
COM-LOC-SENS, Enrico Del Re, University of Florence and CNIT, Italy
Åbo Akademi University, Jerker Björkqvist, Finland
Luleå University of Technology, Karl Andersson, Sweden
Gradiant, Marcos Alvarez-Diaz, Spain
EXUS, Giannis Katsaros, United Kingdom
Fujitsu Labs of Europe Ltd, Mythri Hunukumbure, UK
Strand 3: R&I: Network management
Participant presentations for Strand 3 activities, & Questions and comments
Intracom Telecom, Spiros Spirou, , Greece
Optare Solutions, Antonio Vidal, , Spain
Gradiant, Felipe Gil-Castiñeira, Spain
diKYTO, DCU, Sebastian Robitzsch, Ireland
UPC, Oriol Sallent, Spain
Fondazione Ugo Bordoni , Samuela Persia, Italy
ISMB – Istituto Superiore Mario Boella, Maurizio Spirito, Italy
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens , Apostolos Kousaridas, Greece
Instituto Superior Técnico – University of Lisbon, Prof. Luis M. Correia
Eutelsat, Pierre-François Griffiths
Strand 4: I: Network virtualisation and Software Networks
Introduction and moderation – Jean-Sébastien Bedo, Orange
Participant presentations for Strand 3 activities, & Questions and comments
Waterford Institute of Technology, Dr. Bilal Momani, Ireland
Quobis, Iago Soto, Spain
Terminal Virtualisation, Fujitsu Labs of Europe Ltd. David Snelling, UK
ISMB – Istituto Superiore Mario Boella, Maurizio Spirito, Italy
Facilitation and participation
5G-PPP Brokerage service and how to use it. – NETSOC project
Concerns and challenges
Open floor for questions to the Commission representatives, the 5G-Infrastructure
Association, and the Networld2020 ETP
Conclusions, next actions, Bologna agenda, Wer
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5G-PPP brokerage
Name of
Normally this should be a company name but we may allow just
type and category if some confidentially is necessary – e.g.
equipment vendor, telco, univ. etc/
Strand 1,2,3,4,
Cross strand,
Scope of
The objective of the project in 3000 characters or less
Model Topic
P1, P2, …..P16, CSA,
The type of partners needed and the competencies they should
Declare how you receive info: Will read web submissions or
provide contact email
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