Shoot!, he doesn`t know anything!

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A wholly owned subsidiary of ExxonMobil


International Negotiations “In the beginning and Beyond”

58 th Annual Meeting - San Francisco June 13-16, 2012

W.B. Phillips US Exploration Land Manager Hunt Oil Company John Blair Assistant General Counsel Hunt Oil Company

AAPL Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.

Hey Bob, I got a great deal on some acreage that Petrobras going to let expire.

is What do you know about international farmouts?

Shoot!, he doesn’t know anything!

Going To Rio

He doesn’t know anything either !

How to Start

First, take a deep breath

Do as much homework as possible and find out as much as you can about:

– – – –

The deal Your partners The host country Is your passport current


will you need a VISA

Find an expert(s) you and one your company can trust

Get one here in the US


one in the country where the deal is

Use your domestic experiences, but be careful about comparisons

Do’s and Don'ts


Do your homework first

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Recognize others national pride Think outside the box Join the AIPN


– – –

Think you are smarter (than they are) Think you know it all (you don’t) Try to buy goodwill (there may be laws against it)

General Comparison’s

Laws: Mineral ownership: Domestic Common law Civil law Case law Legislative Tax law Fee State Federal International Common law Civil law Case law Legislative Tax law Federal Note: the vast majority of foreign mineral ownership is held by the national governments

General Comparison’s

Domestic Type ownership: Fee State Federal Type of Mineral Lease granted: Fee State Federal yes yes (DNR,GLO, etc.) yes (BLM, BOEM) (old MMS) oil & gas lease oil & gas lease oil & gas lease Government participation: no International yes (varies) yes yes Production sharing Agmt.

License or concession, (you pay all tax and royalty) risk service contract and hybrid of all the above often and thru state owned company

General Comparison’s

Signing authority: Domestic company officer, AIF Types of contracts ( between WI owners ): AAPL JOA, farmouts JV’s Handshakes Hybrid ORRI and Net Profits recognized: Yes International Head of State, Oil Minister AIPN JOA farmouts JV’s MOU’s, MOA’s Hybrid see next page Yes, no, maybe, don’t understand

Types of Contracts Specified by Legislation


Similar to oil and gas lease.

Licensee receives all sales , LESS royalty and taxes

Production Sharing Agreement

Contractor received negotiated % of production (less costs) and negotiated % of balance of profits

Risk Service Contract

Contractor negotiates % of production less costs compensated for risks

Service Contract

Contractor receives negotiated payment regardless of success

Primer on Host Government Contracts (HGC) How do you become competitive?

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Three basic forms of HGC

Service contract - Example Iraq Concession or License– Tax and Royalty Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) – cost oil/share oil

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HGC is the law

National interests Subsequent amendments; political risks

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Title to oil and gas under a Concession/PSA

Understand what is covered Title passes at point of delivery Money flow

Compare Featrures of Concession/PSA to Domestic Oil and Gas Leases

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Fixed periods – no habendum clauses Exploration phases – off ramps Development period fixed term for commercial production (20 25 years)

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Work Commitments

Competitive just like domestic bonus and royalty Each phase includes a commitment to do the minimum required (work v. $$); carry forward rights; may require acreage relinquishments Competing interests of HG and Oil Company

Data collection

Commercial production

• •

Limited capital Relinquishment issues

Compare Featrures of Concession/PSA to Domestic Oil and Gas Leases

• • • •

HG as Partner

Carried interests to commercial production – may be option to elect; 5% to 20 % Operating committee

Chaired by representative of HG as JOA partner; sovereign issues Training

Significant issue to train and employ local labor

Key control positions required Arbitration

How to resolve disagreements

Comparative Fiscal Terms by Country

Odd’s and In’s

Fracing bans

Things you normally don’t think of

Political risks


Fracing Ban’s (it’s not only a US problem)

France New York

New South Wales

West Virginia

Things you normally don’t think of

Will my credit card work?

Will I need cash and if so in what currency?

Will my cellphone or iPad work? (Do you want to take it?)

Does my company have the right insurance?

Will I need a VISA?

Should I drive?

Answer – NO, NO , NO!

Can I take pictures?

Things you normally don’t think of

Labors Laws

Physical access

Boundary disputes

Nationalization (Venezuela)

Local Counsel availability

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act implications

Signatures often require “board” resolutions and what’s an “apostele”?

Things you normally don’t think of

What is the weather like?

Do I know where I am going?

Where am I staying?

Will my plug in’s work?

What can I take with me? (and what can I bring back?)

Political Risk

Political Risk

Political Risk

Where is the closest US Embassy?

Do I have their contact information?


Find out as much as possible about the deal and where it is

Review all the facts with your expert, and then with your management

Don’t let the romance of the deal get in the way of good business judgment

If you go forward maintain an acute situational awareness of all aspects of the opportunity and where you physically are

Have fun and learn as much as you can!


Political Risk Run Amuck

Do I need personal security?

Man, I am glad I attended the AAPL Education seminar on International Trades!