Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana - Enhancing Impact through Demand Driven Innovations

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Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana: Enhancing Impact through Demand Driven Innovations

Suhas Wani and Team

ICRISAT Development Center

Challenges of the 21



     Water scarcity Land degradation Low water and nutrient use efficiency Low Agricultural Productivity Poverty 5177 m 3 1545 m 3 120 m ha

Current Status

Comprehensive Assessment of Watershed Programs in India: STEPs to Achieve Impact S = Sustainability T = Technology inputs E = Equity P = Participation

  Less than 1% watersheds are economically non-remunerative Two-thirds of watersheds’ performance can be improved

Current Status

 Low water use efficiency  Growing land and environment degradation  Low productivity  Poverty

 

Rain-fed Agriculture: Large Untapped Potential

Current farmers’ yields are lower by 2 to 5 folds than the achievable yields Vast potential of rain-fed agriculture needs to be harnessed

Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana PMKSY

Accelerated benefits of irrigation More crop & income drop -1 Har khet me paani Watershed

Estimated Benefits of PMKSY

 Estimated benefits in 10 years, total value of increased production will be 23 trillion (US$365 billion) with total investment of 2.15 trillion`(US $34.12 billion)  B:C ratio of 10.7:1 with increased incomes of 3000 (US$48) to 150,000 (US$2381 ha -1 y -1 )

Summary of Ex-ante analyses of the PMKSY

Cost of Intervention (Rs/ha)

Total investment (crore) Net benefit (crore) B:C Ratio with full cost Total investment by the GoI B:C ratio with farmers contribution

150000 12000

285000 45600 330600 1609300 144513 1753813 5.30

142500 4560 147060 11.9

25000 50000

26250 110000 340200 217800 13125 55000 136250 558000 4.10

68125 8.2

466850 2311813 4.95

215185 10.7

Note: We have considered 10% farmers' contribution in watershed management and 50% for GW irrigated and surface water irrigated interventions


Cross Cutting Issues for Enhancing Efficiency and Success of the PMKSY

             Micro watershed as Implementation Unit Convergence with MGNREGA Integration of solar power into the PMKSY Use of High-Science Tools for Planning, Implementation and Monitoring Skill Development Rejuvenating extension system Better agro-advisory services Use of ICT in decision making, monitoring, impact analysis, knowledge dissemination Building partnerships through Consortium and Convergence approach Building partnerships through Consortium and Convergence approach Public-private partnership Crop zone planning and land use planning based on land and agro-ecological capability Seeing is believing- Sites of Learning and Innovations

      Efficient irrigation system Water balance model-based irrigation scheduling Rainy season fallow Rice fallow Minimum tillage Building soil organic matter and health


        Ridge to valley approach Rainwater conservation and harvesting Ground water management Zone-specific guidelines for optimizing water resources AEZ- based cropping pattern Drought proofing and high value crops Integrate livestock and income generating activities wastewater reuse       Flood water management through linking water storage structures Desiltation of water storage structures Crop diversification Zero flood irrigation Efficiency delivery Enabling institutional and policy measures

PMKSY Scheme

    Achieve convergence of investments in irrigation at the field level Expand cultivable area under assured irrigation, Improve on-farm water use efficiency to reduce wastage of water Enhance adoption of precision-irrigation and other water-saving technologies

Proposed Institutional Arrangement for PMKSY Implementation


 Increased efficiency of scarce water resources for increasing agricultural production, profitability and most importantly long-term sustainability of the agriculture  The economic returns in 10 years, the PMKSY would add total value of domestic product of Rs. 23 lakh crores by assuming the total investment of Rs. 466,850 crores  Farmers’ share of 10% in watersheds and 50% in other interventions  Cost of PMKSY incentive works out to be Rs. 215,185 crores between central and state governments  Total share of the central government could be Rs. 107,600 crores or 161,400 crores with 50% or 75% contribution from the central government in five years  Benefit cost (B:C) ratio at macro level would be 10.7:1  For farmers, the benefit would be from 3000 to 150,000 ha -1 different technologies y -1 with

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