Transcript Slide 1

Lecture 21
Command area - Concept.
Components of CADA - CAD
programmes in TamilNadu
To create infrastructure facilities for supplying water
for required time and at required quantity based on the
crop needs.
To have controlled irrigation with optimum water use
efficiency and effective drainage during monsoon rains.
To ensure independent irrigation and drainage facility
to individual farmer’s holdings directly from channels
and thus avoiding field to field irrigation and drainage.
To create basic permanent infrastructure for proper
distribution, diversion, regulation, heading up and
controlled application of water as well as draining excess
water at farm level.
To provide a solid base for introduction of rotational
water supply .
The CADA programme of Tamil Nadu as
per X plan is enclosed as a separate PDF
Lecture 22
Land consolidation and infra
structure required, organization and
maintenance - on farm development
Land consolidation refers to pooling one farmer’s
property in one place.
Generally farmers own land at different places
within the same command under a sluice/ tank.
Under land consolidation, all the farmers should be
brought together, the basic operations like land
levelling and formation of irrigation and drainage
channels are completed and the land is given back
to them.
The redistribution of land will be done by group
concurrence so that the total land area owned by a
farmer is reassigned with new patta and put at a
consolidated place within the command.
This will help him to manage his land properly and
to efficiently use the available water resources.
Apart from development of irrigation and drainage
facilities in the commands, there is a need to
strengthen other basic facilities like
1. Providing better farm roads for efficient conveyance
if inputs and produces
2. Providing community halls for marriages and other
3. Providing protected drinking water supply to
4. Construction of water harvesting structures etc.,
Organising and maintenance refers to
organising farmers group under a
command area as one registered society
and handing over the created facilities to
the society for future maintenance.
Farmers’ society is responsible for fixing
any tariff required to maintain the created
facilities periodically.
On farm development works include
1.Construction of lined field channels to
reduce seepage losses
2.Construction of distribution boxes to
ensure proper distribution of water
3.Construction of flow measuring devices
at appropriate points
4.Realignment of existing field channels
5.Establishment of drainage channels,
wherever necessary
6.Betterment/ creation of farm roads, etc.,
Lecture 23
Execution -maintenance
and economics of OFD
RWS (Warabandhi) is a system of equitable
water distribution by turns according to a pre
determined schedule specifying the day, time
and duration of supply to each irrigation in
proportion to land holding in the out let
The distribution of irrigation water will fulfil the
following principles.
Steps involved in the implementation of RWS.
1. Formation of Sluice Committee, Farmers
Association and Farmers Council.
2. Preparation of RWS schedule.
3. Educating the farmers with time schedule.
4. Installation of time schedule boards.
5. Monitoring the distribution of irrigation water.
1.Farmers all over command welcome these works
due to the reasons that most of the disputes due to
the irrigation are being solved by farmers
themselves at field level.
2.Ensures better water management at field level
due to creation of basic infrastructure facilities for
efficient control of water.
3.Under turn system conditions in the delta, CADP
provide still better suited facilities for efficient and
economic handling of irrigation water.
4.Relief of farmers who where dependent on
others in their traditional method of field to field
irrigation and drainage.
5. RWS is being effectively implemented in the
command where the works were executed.
6. Better facility for removing the excess water
from fields, during rainy seasons.
7. Incremental benefit in crop yield is in the range
of 10 – 20%.
8. Less cost in channel maintenance besides
saving in time, labor and money spent on
temporary water control structures.
9. Incidentally new field channels laid under
Command Area Development Programme are
useful in conjunctive use of groundwater.
The OFD works are executed by the WRO upto
minor level and by Agrl. Engg. Department at
farm level.
Necessary design is finalised in consultation
with farmers’ participation
The work is executed by following the office
The completed works are now being handed
over to the farmers’ association for future
maintenance as per WB guide line who fund the
renovation and rehabilitation works.
The maintenance was earlier done by the
state departments.
Now the government will stop its liability at
minor level and the farm level maintenance
becomes the responsibility of the user
Necessary matching grand proportionate to
the subscriptions deposited into the bank a/c
will be provided by the govt. to WUA.
Economic gains due to OFD works
results in stabilised yield over the entire
command which is otherwise not
When the farmer realises the benefit, he
will pay the subsciptions regularly and
maintain the structures.
Surplus funds will be used for
infrastructure development after certain
period of time.