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Turkeys Thanksgiving Jeopardy Pilgrims Pumpkins First Thanksgiving Traditions

$100 $100 $100 $100 $100

$200 $200 $200 $200 $200

$300 $300 $300 $300 $300

$400 $400 $400 $400 $400

$500 $500 $500 $500 $500

Gobble, Gobble!

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Turkeys for $100 What type of animal is the turkey?

amphibian mammal bird

Turkeys for $200 How big was the biggest turkey ever?

10 pounds 86 pounds 230 pounds

Turkeys for $300 What is the name for the fleshy red skin that hangs down over the throat and neck of the turkey?

beard wattle gobbler

Turkeys for $400 Which state produces the most turkeys?

North Carolina California Texas

Turkeys for $500 Turkey eggs are twice as big as chicken eggs. What color are they?

brown white tan with brown speckles

Howdy Ho!

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Pilgrims for $100 What was the name of the ship the Pilgrims traveled on?

The Titanic The Santa Maria The Mayflower

Pilgrims for $200 Where did the Pilgrims come from?

Canada England Japan

Pilgrims for $300 Why did the Pilgrims come to America?

So they could practice the religion they wanted to For vacation To prove that the world was round, not flat

Pilgrims for $400 How long did it take the Pilgrims to cross the ocean to the new world?

2 days 2 months 2 years

Pilgrims for $500 What was the name of a friendly Indian the Pilgrims met?

Crazy Horse Pocahontas Squanto

Pretty as a Pumpkin!

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Pumpkins for $100 If you eat a pumpkin seed, you will __________.

Enjoy a tasty roasted snack Have a pumpkin plant growing in your tummy You can’t, because pumpkins don’t have seeds

Pumpkins for $200 What did Cinderella use a pumpkin for?

To make homemade pumpkin pie To carve on Halloween A carriage

Pumpkins for $300 Where do pumpkins grow?

on trees underground on plants called vines

Pumpkins for $400 Pumpkins are ___________.

vegetables fruits minerals

Pumpkins for $500 Which is not a possible color for a pumpkin?

blue yellow green

Yummy yum!

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First Thanksgiving for $100 Who joined the Pilgrims at the first Thanksgiving feast?

cowboys Kings and Queens from England Indians

First Thanksgiving for $200 What year did the Pilgrims have their first Thanksgiving feast?

1492 1621 1983

First Thanksgiving for $300 Which food was not eaten at the first Thanksgiving?

pumpkin pie clams deer

First Thanksgiving for $400 Why weren’t potatoes served at the first Thanksgiving?

Most Pilgrims were allergic to them Potatoes were thought to be poisonous Potatoes weren’t invented yet

First Thanksgiving for $500 Which president didn’t want Thanksgiving to be a national holiday?

George Washington- 1 st president Thomas Jefferson- 3 rd president Abraham Lincoln- 16 th president

Hip, Hip, Hurray!

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Traditions for $100 What day of the week does Thanksgiving always fall on?

Monday Thursday Saturday

Traditions for $200 What percentage of American families eat turkey on Thanksgiving?

25% 60% 90%

Traditions for $300 What sport do many people watch on Thanksgiving day?

football tennis baseball

Traditions for $400 Which is not a traditional Thanksgiving dish?

Sweet potatoes Mashed potatoes French fries

Traditions for $500 How many pounds of turkey do Americans eat each year at Thanksgiving time?

535 pounds 535,000 pounds 535,000,000 pounds

With your team, decide how much to wager.

Which Christmas song was originally written for a Thanksgiving program?

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Jingle Bells Silent Night