Perkins IV Local 5-Year Plan

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Transcript Perkins IV Local 5-Year Plan

Closing PYE12
Opening PYE13
Monieca West, Brinda Berry
Federal Programs Managers
Arkansas Department of Higher Education
May 3, 2012
Closing PYE12
April 15
Spring Term special populations survey
-Only if not collected automatically; coordinator to verify
-Must be reported in Perkins Annual File due August 15, 2012
-Contact whoever is responsible for AHEIS input on campus
April 30
PYE12 Improvement Plan
-Portal: Accountability Section/Improvement Plan Tab
-Must be approved prior to submission of PYE13 Annual Plan
-Be brief with activities you commit to and be sure you can tell what was
accomplished when report is due December 2012
May 31
Amendment Deadline
-Final opportunity to true-up budget and protect against 10% rule
-Coordinate with business office if needed
June 30
Deadline to Obligate Funds
-Expenses incurred after June 30 cannot be reimbursed
-Can request reimbursements up to August 5 but not obligate after June 30
Closing PYE12
August 5
Final Reimbursement Request
-Expenses related to PYE12 grant
-May 31 amendment deadline is crucial for true-up of budget
-This is earlier than usual 10th of the month deadline for requests
-May have both PYE12 and PYE13 requests in August
-Caution: Double check the Academic Year selection in Portal
August 10
ADHE Reconciles PYE12 Budget
-Compares Approved to Actual to verify that reimbursements do not exceed
by 10% of approved amount
PYE12 EOY Financial Reconciliation
Closing PYE12
August 10
End of Year Program Report
-Portal: Applications Section, End of Year Report Tab
-Required Use of Funds
-TSA Progress
-Activity Success
PYE12 EOY Program Report
PYE12 EOY Program Report
Closing PYE12
August 15
Perkins Annual File
-AHEIS report
-New with first report due August 15, 2012
-Includes Special Populations report previously reported in Term Files
-Includes 1P1a-Technical Skills Assessment data for accountability report
-IMPERATIVE that this information be reported
-School has from June 30, 2012 to August 15, 2012 to assemble for
-AHEIS Manual (page 143)
Opening PYE13
May 1
Funding Announced
-Official award notification will be sent to president/chancellor with
coordinator copied
-Will include PYE13 negotiated local targets
May 25
PYE13 Performance Targets Finalized
-Based on 3-year average
-Negotiable within context of State targets
-Will be posted in Portal by end of week (Accountability Section/Results Tab)
-Considered accepted if no counter received by May 25
Opening PYE13
May 31
PYE13 Annual Plan Due in Portal
-Must include activities that substantially address Improvement Plan
July 1
Funds Available for Obligation
-IF annual plan is in “substantially approvable form”
-Cannot be reimbursed for more than 25% of total grant in first 3 months
August 10
Request for Reimbursements
-For PYE13
-May overlap with final request from PYE12 which is due August 5
Annual Plan Preparation
What drives the decision making process on how to
use Perkins funds?
How do you know what the CTE needs are on
campus and how are those needs determined?
How are those needs discussed in relationship to
Perkins core indicators?
What activities will change classroom outcomes?
How extensively involved are the directors of
academic programs, student services and IR?
Use of Funds: Administrative
How will you use administrative funds (5% maximum)?
Amount of the 5% set aside for admin
 None/All/Portion
Use of admin funds
 Limited to activities related to administering the grant
 Indirect Cost Rate negotiated with U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services (letter required)
 Can use admin $ for program improvement but cannot use program
improvement $ for admin
Coordinator who is paid through a Perkins activity
 Portion for administering the grant must come from admin 5% or from
institution; cannot be fully funded by activity and serve as coordinator
Use of Funds:
Program Improvement
Strengthen academic components of CTE (math, literacy)
Programs of study (for college credit and reduce remedial)
CTE assessments (expansion/improvement)
Work-based and service learning opportunities
Relevant use of technology
CTE program evaluation (including needs of special pops)
Professional development (adjunct/full time instructors and support
staff; program improvement vs. travel budget)
Student support (advising/tutoring/supplemental instruction)
Special populations and subgroups, including nontraditional
Will it improve CTE student performance in Perkins areas?
Use of Funds:
Program Improvement
1. Core indicator improvement plan
2. Core indicators below overall target
3. Sub-populations performing lower than general population
4. Student completion (statewide retention/completion goals)
5. Programs of greatest size and scope
6. General improvement of CTE programs
Perkins Accountability Elements
(3 hours in current academic year)
Special Populations
(6-12-24 hours during current and/or 3 previous years)
1P1 - GPA
1P1a – Technical Skill Assessments
2P1 – Credential Attainment
3P1 – Retention/Transfer
(may have already exited)
5P1 – Nontraditional Participation
(participants, not concentrators)
5P2 – Nontraditional Credential Attainment
4P1 – Student Placement
Thank You!
Brinda Berry
Monieca West